Moving plants outside?


New Member
I started some plants under 24/0 light and I am ready to move outside. They can handle the full sun but it is the sudden dark at night that I am concerned about. Will the dark shock them in any way at this point? I live in CA so there is about 15 hours of light these days outside.
Thanks for the reply. I have been taking them outside, during the daylight hours, for a couple of weeks now and then bringing them inside at night under fl's. They are loving the sunshine but I just wasn't sure how they will react to having dark all of a sudden when they have always been 24/0. There shouldn't be enough darkness to make them flower but I didn't know how they would react. The root system has definately caught up on these babies. I just brought them in and had to raise the light. It's very cool!
They will be cool. It not like they dont see dark in nature....Not saying it does, but i think 24 hr light (as i use) would be more likely to cause stress than dark. As others said, just relax they will be fine.
I never had any problems after leaving them outside 24/7. I did start a grow journal if you want to see some pics.
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