Moving from indoors to outdoors need help getting ready


New Member
OK so I've been growing indoors for years but my yields are never as big as outdoor plants so this season I'm thinking of starting late April I've found my plot all ready this is strictly a medical grow for me and other patients in pain... what I'm posting for is because I needed help getting the ground ready with some good mixes that have been used and instructions on how to mix them up how also watering and nutes schedules my site is 4hrs away at some property I inherited I will be visiting every weekend I'm looking to get my site ready this weekend I'm looking to grow between 50-100 plants in the soil any help would be appreciated even if its directing me to another topic I'm new to this site I'm on a budget looking for big yields with not a lot of money

Having a grow of that size, four hours away, outdoors, open for anybody to just walk in, would certainly weigh heavy on my mind all day long. That could be a very stressful grow without the help of somebody being there 24/7.
As for the soil you should have it tested before you do anything to it.
You'd better start composting!
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