Mottled, light and dark green crinkly leaves?


Well-Known Member

I use to grow indoors, this is my first outdoor grow, feminized seeds, had 5/5 germinate and 4 out of 5 are doing very well - they were started in solo cups indoors but have been outside for 3-4 weeks now.

This one seems to be a problem child, and I can’t figure out why as they’ve all had the exact same treatment. Not much in the way of nutrients, I think two half strength feeds. Nothing exotic, standard grow and micros.

It has rained quite a lot. But the pots have a good mix of clay pebbles, perlite and growstone in them.

Basically, I’m stumped. Any help greatly appreciated.



Definitely resembles a hemp russet mite or broad mite infestation...


This will give you some good info on getting rid of the microscopic little buggers:

Mites! See, I didn’t even consider that.

I’ve ordered some neem oil and I’ll separate them until this is dealt with.

Appreciate the help! I’ll report back in a week or two with any progress.
Glad to help, hope all goes well in getting rid of them-let me know how it goes...
Well that didn’t take long. Sprayed about 3 tsp neem oil mixed in about 3 cups water on the infected plant around 3:00 and by 8:00 it’s already looking healthier and less mottled. Sprayed pure water at 8:00 and will repeat daily over the next few days.

Still has crunchy/glossy blistered and turned up leaves but seems like an encouraging start! She might just pull through.
Cool -those leaves probably won't heal,but you shouldn't get
any crinkling up on the new growth...good idea repeating the process-
That's the only way to be sure you kill em all...
Things are different, but worse, haha.

I don't know if this is part of the process of the mites dying or what. The plant certainly seems worse, although the new growth is still coming along.

I sprayed all the plants with the same neem oil mixture so I am pretty sure it's not a bad reaction to that.

I'm tempted to strip all the dead/dying leaves off and just leave the newest shoot. But I'm also not wanting to mess with it at all.
I think you are supposed to wait 24 hrs. before putting any plant treated with oil based treatments under strong light, it will burn the leaves.
Just a heads up if this was the case.
She's still looking pretty rough...Hard to tell,but is the new growth coming in fairly normal?
You could have the tobacco mosaic virus. It does look similar but the ends of the leaves mutate the opposite way. if it is, which I hope it isn't, then nothing can be done. Good luck
My only guess is that the oil was more concentrated on the smaller surface of the effected plant, I did spray them the second time close to midday. At least I am hoping that is it and not the virus.

Here’s a better photo of the new growth. It looks good, as far as I can tell.

I have watered them twice since the neem oil treatments with ph’ed water. No nutrients.

If it was the neem oil that burned them, should I just not mess with it? Or would it be better to lop off the burned leaves and let the new growth go it alone?
I think I'd see if those new leaves come in normal,if they do,then get rid of the diseased/damaged leaves.
If they grow in deformed like the rest of the leaves...I hate to say it,but you may have to get rid of the plant.. I don't think there's anything left to do...If you keep it around,you risk contaminating your other plants.
Appreciate the advice, Carcass, and everyone else. I’ll cross my fingers and give her a few days.

I guess on the bright side, if she makes it there’s gonna be a mighty big top cola at harvest time!
I'm worried mate. Wash your hands before dealing with any other plants that don't exhibit symptoms and keep these guys away from any healthy ones. Heres pics of the TMV. I lost a set of Gorilla glue and money maker to it some time ago
Good luck

Some photos from Saturday. Nearly a week ago now. I’ll take some more tomorrow if it’s decent out.

She seems to be doing okay. Although not amazing. The bottom leaves seem to be very droopy and curled? To me they look like a nutrient issue, yet a third problem (or its just all TMV?). I wonder if being mostly defoliated led to a nutrient over abundance.

She does have quite a bit of new, good looking growth though. She’s not done yet!
She looks 80% better-not Quite 100% yet...but it looks like she's getting there...
Six weeks later and she’s still hanging in there.

Topped her quite a while back. For the life of me I can’t figure out what is up, but she’s growing and mostly looks okay? I’ve just left her alone. Still isolated from the others although I assume if it were a virus she’d be long gone by now.



She's an odd looker,but she's hanging in there!-maybe it's just a genetic
mutation or something-gonna be interesting to see what kind of buds she produces....
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