More burnt leaves Help


Well-Known Member
Hello, asking for a hand growers…

Here are the pics, let me know what you think. I have grown these pheno’s before, its happening to all three plants. Shite widow, Mac1, Sourdiesel

Living soil, GaiaGreen 444, worm castings, perlite. Temp 75° humidity 65% Watering with dechlorinated tap water 6.5ph. Lites are about 18” away 280watts/40dli/PAR650-700 They are 6wks old, topped fir the second and final time.

Also it appears to not effect new leaves up top, just hidden ones lower canopy




So, could it be my lites are making em draw too much out if the soil, or could my mix be too rich 🙄 good grief
Lights don't make plants draw nutrients up in the soil. Light is used in the process of photosynthesis to make glucose that plants use for food. Some nutrients are drawn up by the roots when the roots rake up water because of transpiration. Other nutrients are brought in as a reaction to the chemicals that plants release into the root zone.

The biggest driver of water uptake it temperature and RN, AKA the dreaded VPD. If temperature is too high//RH is too low (which means VPD is high), the plant is taking up a lot more water than normal and that can lead to nutrient imbalances.


At first I thought it was interveinal chlorosis (a fancy word for light green between the veins in the leaves) but the leaves are twisted as well as discolored. Some of the leaves look like they've had a chunk removed from them//have very irregular edges.

Temperature, RH, nutrient strength, watering practices, etc. That the fastest way to diagnose.

What's the windspeed?

10 Parameters of Growth.png
So, could it be my lites are making em draw too much out if the soil, or could my mix be too rich 🙄 good grief
Nope, not possible
More likely a bit rich but they'll adapt so no worries
If you think your mix might be a bit hot, just flush it with pH/CaMg/kelp
Trimmed off the dead and dying leaves. I just watered the other day so im stuck letting em dry out, then another flush🙄

PS: i reviewed my notes and i was adding CalMag+ when i up-potted, at least 4 waterings, my guess the CalMag+ and the 444 that i mixed in the soil were way too much once they began spreading roots in the new soil…🙄 My hope is the next months watering will thin out the nutes
PS: i reviewed my notes and i was adding CalMag+ when i up-potted, at least 4 waterings, my guess the CalMag+ and the 444 that i mixed in the soil were way too much once they began spreading roots in the new soil…🙄 My hope is the next months watering will thin out the nutes
Without an input of nutrients, including calcium, then most likely the plant will start to show signs of deficiencies within a week or two of starting to flower.

There is only so much that a growing plant in a small pot can get from any soil including "living soils".
Without an input of nutrients, including calcium, then most likely the plant will start to show signs of deficiencies within a week or two of starting to flower.

There is only so much that a growing plant in a small pot can get from any soil including "living soils".

I wanna make sure i understand, can you explain. It sounds like ur says we have to Nute, but dont Nute too much😌
This is an issue also as i reread your post
Yeh, it looked like it. It's not uncommon. Going back a couple of years, my grows got a mild case of it in early veg but it was nothing serious.

But something else is off. In the last photo, those leaves look disfigured/malformed. I just don't have the knowledge about what might cause that—that's why I go back to the diagram. Going through each piece of it is a process of elimination that might help find the issue.
Yeh, it looked like it. It's not uncommon. Going back a couple of years, my grows got a mild case of it in early veg but it was nothing serious.

But something else is off. In the last photo, those leaves look disfigured/malformed. I just don't have the knowledge about what might cause that—that's why I go back to the diagram. Going through each piece of it is a process of elimination that might help find the issue.

Yup, i trimmed all the leaves that look deformed….they seem to be getting better as i water and flush with plain water
I wanna make sure i understand, can you explain. It sounds like ur says we have to Nute, but dont Nute too much😌
Sorry about not getting back to you earlier but my wife ended up in the hospital's ICU and I have been there most of every day.

So, yes, that is basically what I was getting at.

Compare what you see on your plants with the various Nutrient Deficiency & Excesses charts. Then do a search looking for photos of the same deficiency or excess on other Cannabis plants and other plants in general. While doing that do not fall into the trap of thinking that what you find has to look exactly like what is on your plants.

And keep the damaged leaves on the plant until you know what the problem is. It becomes hard try to find the issue using a chart if you do not have the leaves to do a basic comparison.

In the end it will become a process of elimination.
Sorry about not getting back to you earlier but my wife ended up in the hospital's ICU and I have been there most of every day.
Sorry to hear about this. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Hope all is well with your wife, sperd recovery !!!!!!! ❤️‍🩹
Sorry to hear about this. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Thank you.

It is getting really hectic and all that. Re-arranging how and what I will be doing from here on out by the looks of things.
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