Moon phase seed start and harvest


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used this old fashioned method to any success , or is it just an old wives tale ?
I did start my seeds on a full moon in full Druid get up by a sacred lake ! Only kidding just started them on a full moon , they seemed to jump out of their pots and have continued to grow strong

420 Member Bebecillo used to have a bunch of links up about moon phase but now that you mention it I realized we haven’t seen them in minute... maybe search on that username to read the posts they dropped about it. I’m sure there’s more people doing it but not sure if there’s a group or specific thread for it, should be easy enough to dig here
NP - I got this from a grower and I've known about it for a very long time.

That darn thing over in England with all those rocks and the sun/moon deal.... its for real.

The moon and sun phases have been used for planting and harvesting for 10s of thousands of years and in many different societies.

I've ignored it and have noticed a different when I'm paying attention.

I get a calendar every year and hang it on the wall.
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