

New Member
So just curious, what do you guys think of moochers? People who don't buy their own weed or own a piece but always want to smoke.

I personally can be cool about that as long as it doesn't go too far. Weed seems to bring out a social aspect in people, and I don't want to be hording my weed and not sharing. But if someone is constantly wanting to get high with me and not sharing a personal stash of their own or dropping a few bucks my way I can get a little irritated. I'll try never to be a horder, no matter how high prices get. But I think alternating whose stuff you use is an unwritten rule around my parts and people don't look highly on those who never have there own stash but smoke all the time.

BTW I'm not counting people who just happen to be where you smoking and take a hit. The moocher is one who always shows up when you blaze.
You are the fucken man for making this thread.

Since I'm always smokin I have alot of people that come over and chill, and a few of them are huge moochers that never ever bring any weed over, just like to smoke for free. But I got a could friends that are pretty low on cash, and so I always hook it up, I mean, you gotta feel bad for someone who doesnt have weed!!
i agree i always have a little bit and always willing to share what i got as long as they do the same back
Don't care for em much at all really. In my group, it's you buy your weed and smoke your weed. We don't even pass anything most of the time. But sadly enough I've done it before, not actually became a moocher, but did mooch. But I will help people out if they need it, and just hope they remember it the next time I don't have weed and they do.
CustomMX6 said:
You are the fucken man for making this thread.
Haha thanks, I knew we all had to deal with it at some point
man...i gotta deal with this shit alot, cause i got a few friends still in high school, and some that got no job, and if we didn't have a bond from years back, i problly wouldn't associate with them...but they're the people always telling me, "roll a joint jack"...or calling me a cheap prick cause i didnt roll one yet...i mean, we use "cheap prick" a lot, but when you're asking someone to blaze one....not really the termanoligy you wanna use, but the thing that really gets me, is that if nobody else has weed and i light one up and dont pass it...they take it all personal and shit, cant win with moochers
I like to spread the love, though moochers do get annoying...
Im fine with moochers just as long as i know someday they are gonna pay me back by having weed on their own and hitting me up. one of my best friends does this but occasionally he has bud of his own so its all good. i hate the ones who just wanna smoke ur bud and in return they give u a cig when u told them that u quit and shit. pisses me off
I'm thinking a general rule should be if you need to mooch make sure you don't take advantage of it and returne the favor
I got a good friend who's sort of a moocher he's dating another good friends sister and he's always moochin off him. But he's a good dude and I've known him forever, plus when he gets a sack he blazes everyone up.
My friends and I always share our stuff so it's never been an issue.

However, if you don't have any weed, it's impolite to bring up "smoking another bowl" or anything like that.
with my friends they know im a moocher cause of my nickname "Snoop" (half baked) but when i get some i usually smoke them out alot ... so its all good
my best friend is a mooch but its cool cause whenever he buys his own sack, hell get high and then just give the sack away at no price
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