Moldly Weed Oil?


New Member
So I made some weed oil prolly 2 1/2 weeks ago. It still had some small bits in it but I figured itd be fine. I just opened the jar i stored it in again today and theres some sort of white stuff floating around the buds left. Is this mold? Is this safe to bake with? Thanks guys.
I am certainly no expert, but I seem to remember when I coked food for a living (a long time ago), warnings about some type of bacteria (botulism maybe) that could grow in pieces of herbs used to infuse oils...

I would broaden your internet searches to include herb infused oils, and see if you can come up with a definitive answer. Otherwise I would probably be afraid to risk it.
I would strongly suggest NOT consuming the oil. Vape is correct, herb infused oils have the great potential of developing botulism - a potentially fatal bacteria. Herb infused oil is to be refrigerated and consumed within 10 days. The bacteria doesn't show any outward signs of damage to the food, so if you are viewing mold already on your oil, consider a bad breeding ground.
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