

420 Member
Hi there,

Have some cured CBD Critical Cure buds that I've left in a jar for about 6 months (left the country for a bit). Got back, they looked fine, smoked nicely. After a week or so, noticed some white stuff on one of the buds. Threw that bud out. Just wondering if the rest of it is a bit dodgy to vape? Can't seem to find any more "white stuff" on any other buds. Have attached a pic. First time grow, be nice!!


  • moldweed.jpg
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Def dodgy....mold spores will spread within the jar, so when one get it, they all get it.

If you have enough you can decarb and use for edibles.

Was it moist or dry when it came out of the jar? Did you leave it our out of the jar? Just trying to narrow possibilities....
Generally it either moulds or it doesn’t. Mould grows in humid conditions and spreads fast. If the Rh was high enough for mould to grow in the jar then it all be mouldy. If the white speck was mould, then it lived and died early on, before being jarred. Myself I wouldn’t worry about it at all- but some would.
Def dodgy....mold spores will spread within the jar, so when one get it, they all get it.

If you have enough you can decarb and use for edibles.

Was it moist or dry when it came out of the jar? Did you leave it our out of the jar? Just trying to narrow possibilities....
Hi, thanks for the response, yeah, i've read they can spread very quickly. It seemed dry to me when I took it out of the jar. It wasnt crispy or brittle, kinda soft and a bit sticky (thought thats the way it should feel). No, I haven't left it out of the jar. I probably should??? Hey, so was wondering, if i can't "see" any mold on the other buds, how can i tell if they actually have mold? sorry bout all the questions!!

Cheers man :)
Generally it either moulds or it doesn’t. Mould grows in humid conditions and spreads fast. If the Rh was high enough for mould to grow in the jar then it all be mouldy. If the white speck was mould, then it lived and died early on, before being jarred. Myself I wouldn’t worry about it at all- but some would.
Cheers, thanks for the info. The remaining buds look and smell fine with no white "stuff" on them....Reckon it's a good idea to give the buds an airing? I've heard you can clean them in water but I don't really have enough time for that process, plus there's not that much weed anyway, cheers :)
I think it’s kind of personal preference at this point. If your’e not enjoying your bud because you feel like it’s maybe been polluted somehow- then you could try washing them or...something. You could try blowing it off ?
There’s a thread by Hiker called ‘bud washing’. I wouldn’t, I’d just smoke it. But I’m not worried about a few mould spores.

As far as I’ve ever been able to figure out- the actual danger of mould on bud is almost non-existent. I never could find any worthwhile info on the net. Plenty of chicken-little type posts, but those aren’t info...

There are kinds of mould spores in nature that can cause a sniffly nose and maybe slight wheezing in healthy people, with enough exposure. But it’s much more likely to be affect people who already have badly compromised lungs, from respiratory illnesses or disease.

I live in a humid place and I see a hell of lot of mould. I work on a lot of mouldy buildings. My greenhouse becomes mould central in late fall when the rains come, and I strip the tomato vines and whatnot all out of there, working in a cloud of mould.
I’ve never noticed any health issues or heard of anyone having the slightest reaction whatsoever. I have a hard time imagining that a few stray mould spores on a bud could actually harm a person. I suspect the actual smoke in the lungs is going to be far more harmful. Mould spores are everywhere and unless you live in a laboratory then you’ve already ingested plenty of it.
On the other hand - if I’m in a situation where I’m suspicious about the state of some food I’m eating- I usually don’t eat it, because I don’t enjoy it. It doesn’t have to make sense...
Cheers, yeah I'd imagine mold is should see the state of my bath!! I'm sure most of us have smoked weed with some amount of mold plenty of times too. It looks like the other buds are healthy to me, so gonna stress about it. They smell really fresh and look very healthy. If it was a huge amount i'd consider going down the washing route but it's quite small so not really gonna bother. Anyhoo, cheers for all the info! great to be able to get advice from people so quickly! cheers man :)
Suck it up, throw it out. I did, smh..

80g i just threw out. (entire supply) Never seemed to get the smell of good bud, but had a smell i didnt like. U cant see it with your eyes, but under a scope, I found tiny tiny spots, and really have to look hard for it. mainly on the sugar leafs. My RH never got to high, the usually 60% thru the grow. dryd, but I guess not dry enough, IDK, pissed to be honest, but *shruggs,

The buds got big, and now i guess thats not a good thing,.. Didnt want to defoliate because it stunts the bud growth with my strain, but Im about to defoliate the entire thing. Still on the fence about it. I might just shut it all down to be honest. pretty frustrating.

I really tryed hard to avoid it. I also use fabric pots, and my current run is in them, and I will never use them again, because it looks like mold growing on the pots, and it makes no sense that someone would say" dont worry about it" but thats just stupid, seeing your blowing fans and spores are just spreading around everywhere simply because of the dam pots.

Im really at about 98% chance im about to go in my area, and tear it all out. i tryd hard to not get it, and I failed with just a couple small plants, this dang mess wont be any easier. 5-6 days before I harvested my last 2, the biggest cola had mold in it, and when i noticed it, i just the whole top off and got it outta the area, and had things dialed in pretty good, I have a small chance of success this run, so Im going to probably just shut it down. I cant afford a bigger dehumidifier, or a portable AC, so, Im probably done.

its hard to tell, because the fabric itself is fuzzy. The last harvest, did have small bit of mold, for sure. and i should of not even messed with the fab pots, and i freakin did anyways.
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