Hi everyone, first time grower.... I've been doing a partial harvest and have dried and currently curing 4 oz in Grove bags. I currently have some drying at about day 4, its been taking about 6 days to dry (45%RH in dry box) and it was actually a little too much as my moisture meter read 8% and when placed in Grove bags settled around 55%RH. Today when I checked on the drying stuff at day 4, I noticed mold where I was holding the stems when wet trimming!! (I was wearing nitrile gloves).
I'm ditching everything that is currently drying in the box but I'm very concerned about the first 4 oz im curing! I read you can break a nug infront of a torch in a dark room and if it "poofs" then its moldy and when I tested, every nug I tested had a small poof.... looking at the nugs under a microscope I can't see anything what do you guys think? Is it all f#cked???