MMJ doctors


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to get a MMJ card in another state if your state does not offer one. This sounds like a lot of paper work and even if one can get a card still illegal in home state. Will MMJ Dr.'s give cards to people out of a different state (this is saying one has real physical issues/diseses) Help! and scared. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Pleas answer,
Re: MMJ doctor's

It might be entirely possible to get a card from a medical state, but the problem remains that you still can't transport the medication across state lines. I believe they might charge you with a felony if you're caught.

Treatment of most ailments, requires multiple applications, whether you smoke, vape, use oil, or topicals. You would have to travel to the medical state multiple times a day to treat your ailment(s).

The bottom line, is that it doesn't matter how legitimate your ailments are, or how true it is that Cannabis would help you. It is still 100% illegal on the federal level, so even living in a completely legal state like CO, or WA, you will still be in violation of Federal law.
This is why many choose to produce their own medication.
Re: MMJ doctor's

What a F#$%^ mess, thanks for answer thought similar to you. May be Obama will change the classification of marijuana from 1 to a lower classification; he can do this just before he leaves office, the law lets him do (change) a few things without congress/senate approval -that's a few years from now, and thinking about it if one did get a "card" in a state that MMJ is against the law, the you reside in will know by law that you have one -hence - one will have legal issues with local police. A NO WIN. Guess one could move when it comes down to it. To avoid local law. The Feds are having monies taken from them because of the legalization of MMJ in some state,lets say the feds are relaxing some. Talking about a regular person not a professional businessman (dealer) The movemt is making head way -slowley
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