Mini tent 0.75 x 0.75m x 1.6m is it any use for autos?


420 Member
Hi folks

ive had a lot of fun with a cheeky outdoor greenhouse first grow from a bag seed this summer, and ive decided to have a go at carrying on indoors over winter. Both for my brain, but also to try and reduce my prescription cannabis costs (im in the UK) so not legal to grow my own medicine which is BANANAS, however idgaf. Frankly.

ive secured some seeds id like to try and grow, and decided on autos, I don't care about massive yields or plants, its totally for me and as a hobby grow.

Ive seen a nice XS LED grow kit online and the light etc looks good, the tent is 0.75x0.75 x 1.6m and im not sure how that roughly translates in terms of plants. I would guess at 2 maybe?
What would be the difference between that and say a 1x1?

I did do a search before posting but couldn't find anything specific so I appreciate any input!
thank you!
Hi folks

ive had a lot of fun with a cheeky outdoor greenhouse first grow from a bag seed this summer, and ive decided to have a go at carrying on indoors over winter. Both for my brain, but also to try and reduce my prescription cannabis costs (im in the UK) so not legal to grow my own medicine which is BANANAS, however idgaf. Frankly.

ive secured some seeds id like to try and grow, and decided on autos, I don't care about massive yields or plants, its totally for me and as a hobby grow.

Ive seen a nice XS LED grow kit online and the light etc looks good, the tent is 0.75x0.75 x 1.6m and im not sure how that roughly translates in terms of plants. I would guess at 2 maybe?
What would be the difference between that and say a 1x1?

I did do a search before posting but couldn't find anything specific so I appreciate any input!
thank you!
I have seen some truly impressive plants grown in coffee mugs, the larger ones of course, they spent the entire veg and bloom inside of a tiny cabinet just above the stove, you could absolutely do this, make sure that you incorporate some method to deal with the smell, if you have neighbors, I recently found that my filter is no longer doing its job when I was coming home and for two and a half blocks I could smell my one plant, I was pretty anxious when I got to my door and realized that it was me, air conditioners will drip that sweet stink in the condensate so be mindful of that too if you have a window unit or any unit that does not drip into a pump.
I wish you greatness in your endeavors, you are going to do great, I hope to see some beautiful lil trees soon, have fun with it, and best of luck in your countries cannabis future. truly it is shameful that we are not living in a time that folks can freely have the wonderful medicine that is cannabis, I can tell you from my own experience that it really really helps with well everything, I don't feel stress when being stared at, more likely to talk, and far less likely to pick up something else to cope. Now that I do not have to deal with active felons and felonies just to survive with my medicine. I sure wish that the power that is would realize the damage that is done when a high school/ middle school aged child is taken from loving parents simply for the use of cannabis or when those people can only get the reefer from someone who would offer them something truly addictive, in my community I see children of eleven and twelve in the ER because someone has allowed them to get strung out on heroin and they simply cannot cope, those children often do not make it, I wish that when I where younger the teachers who all say "drugs are bad" would have shown us what the life of an addict looks like, I am fairly certain that had I even known what was coming down the pipe eighteen years after my first dose I would have never picked it up.
Thank you for sharing your post with me, I truly wish you the best.
From "K" your friend in the USA
Hi folks

ive had a lot of fun with a cheeky outdoor greenhouse first grow from a bag seed this summer, and ive decided to have a go at carrying on indoors over winter. Both for my brain, but also to try and reduce my prescription cannabis costs (im in the UK) so not legal to grow my own medicine which is BANANAS, however idgaf. Frankly.

ive secured some seeds id like to try and grow, and decided on autos, I don't care about massive yields or plants, its totally for me and as a hobby grow.

Ive seen a nice XS LED grow kit online and the light etc looks good, the tent is 0.75x0.75 x 1.6m and im not sure how that roughly translates in terms of plants. I would guess at 2 maybe?
What would be the difference between that and say a 1x1?

I did do a search before posting but couldn't find anything specific so I appreciate any input!
thank you!
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Bill284 😎
G’day mate
I’m 5 weeks into a grow in a 60x60x160
These are auto’s but for my next grow I’m just going to do 1 at a time.

Hi Mate - I used a 60 x 60 x 160 for a long time and grew 4 autos at a time quite happily, just keep your airflow up
I've done 9 plant clone SoG in it too - the clue is to use small pots/topping for the max plant to bud ratio
I use 80 x 80 now and the extra room is useful so if I had the space I would choose a 120 x 120, esp for the extra height
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