Mini Dehumidifiers - Completely Useless?


New Member
bought one of these a while ago and it appears to do little to nothing.
Have 2 exact same hygrometers/temp gauges - tested them for a week- same readings
1 in TV room - rainy at the moment so high outside RH.
It reads 54 % & 24.8 C,
1 in grow room 68 % & 25.8 C - door open with Dehumidifier on
and 73 % & 26.8 C with door closed and Dehumidifier On.
it does appear to suck some moisture but not much.
grow area is a little crowded but have trimmed off dying leaf or stuff not getting any light lower down.
Defoliated last time but got 3 hermies and 1 seedy plant so dont want that again
All girls this time,
Would i notice a difference with a decent sized unit. Have big wall air con with dry function but using that would get expensive. I wont use stuff like damp rid etc.Have fan moving over canopy and another oscillating at floor level,
Any suggestions , Cheers :thumb:
How big is your room? I got a dehum last year and it's working well enough to keep the RH down in the 50s and 60s. I don't remember the info on my dehumidifier but I'm pretty sure it's all in this thread I started before I bought the thing.
It's enough to keep the mold away- combined with movement fans 24/7 and other precautions like a little pruning to avoid overly dense growth.
They tend to gobble power. Mine is probably the bare minimum for the job - draws about 400 watts I believe, in an 8'x8' space.
I suspect the answer to your title question is- yes. :)
Yes they are...I got a cupboard one in my tent that does nothing, actually I think it increases it...
My grow space is just an old cupboard - @ 42 feet cubed ? - about 3.5 x 2 x 6 feet in a bedroom which @10 x 10 x 7 feet
Lesson learnt - reckon the 1 i have is a toy - it may be ok in a closed cupboard - peltier job - uses 22 watts according to sticker -supposed to do 10 - 20 m2 .
Grizz you are right - this one actually appears to increase it sometimes - WTF
Saw a near new 12 litre /250 watt power consumption one on ebay for @$ 120 the other day - missed out but will keep looking.
Luckily i live in a place where humidity is usually pretty low - it just happens when i am blooming - what luck i have - oh well keeps me looking for answers - Thanks for your info - much appreciated :;):
I bet we have the same or similar... Little clear pop out tank at the front...
hi, im new to this forum but this was funny as i got the totally opposite situation here, my house is in Ontario and its cold here in winter and really dry. i got 3 meters 2 in grow room and on in living room and the living room reads 25% RH at best. Grow room lower then that as i just started and im in veg week 2 i think so not much hum from plants. i put a humidifier from honey well the worm mist one and it keeps the hum in grow room at about 50%-70% depends on if i sprayed water on the plants. its a hassle as i got to refill it every 4, 5 hours. temp is good at 24.5 C at night to 29 C in day time. Any suggestions on to how to keep up the hum without the humidifier?
Could buy a cheap dehumidifier and empty it every couple days :rofl::rofl: hang some wet towels around your space, that'll bring it up... Just sen that's your first post. Welcome to 420 man....
The ones that work use a compressor. The Peltier type are toys. They might work in a doll house or clown car.
Hey GanjaMon - thats a small hassle to refill every few hours for nice buds bud unless you have to go out regularly - i go to almost any lengths to grow nice weed,
Major - i havnt got a doll house or a clown car so this piece of crap is just gonna go in the bathroom or maybe a paperweight :laughtwo:
Gonna get a compressor type - just a few bucks more on the bidding the other day i would of had one
It was $400 new so that would be good i would reckon - 12 litre /day - 3 settings .:;):
Exact same...I took front off and ripped those LEDs off....
You in America? How much? $75 in Aus
Gotta say I got one not real impressed, but if I turn it down to 20% it does get my rh @ 50% in a 2x4 closet when drying, door closed no in or out recirculation until I open the door for a bit each day. Also keep a cheap 8" clip on fan in there blowing on to the wall. Doubtful it'll be big enough come summer here where rh outside is 90%+ everyday

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Gotta say I got one not real impressed, but if I turn it down to 20% it does get my rh @ 50% in a 2x4 closet when drying, door closed no in or out recirculation until I open the door for a bit each day. Also keep a cheap 8" clip on fan in there blowing on to the wall.

This is exactly the idea i had to use one for, my drying space i just setup is around 4ft wide and about 2ft tall, I wont have airflow in there either apart from opening the door but have a 6" clip on fan to keep the air moving. I put a couple of damprid containers in there right now to try get the initial humidity down, overnight it has dropped to about 55% so looking like its doing its job for now, still not quite ready to put my precious harvest in there yet till i decide on a suitable dehumidifier :rofl:
Don't get one buy something to use, lol.... Obviously not at mitre10 for that price, although I did get mine a while ago, probably realised they are useless and now trying to get rid of them, lol...
Don't get one buy something to use, lol.... Obviously not at mitre10 for that price, although I did get mine a while ago, probably realised they are useless and now trying to get rid of them, lol...
Damnnnn! Yeh but what else is tiny and available?

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