Mineral water for calmag?


Active Member
I've came into a calmag problem and as I'm growing organic you can't use chemicals so I'm wondering if mineral water will fix that issue, the water is at a PH 6.2 and has traces of nutrients as followed
Calcium 10.0MG/L
Magnesium 2.5
Sodium 9.0
Potassium 2.0
Bicarbonate 25.0
Chloride 12.0
Sulphate 10.0
Nitrate 11.0

I'm really confused if that will help the problem
Those are pretty low amounts of what you need.
can't use chemicals

By the way those ingredients you list are chemicals too ya know...
Which chemicals are you trying to avoid?
A bottle of Calmag from the store will contain mostly water, a very low percentage calcium, some nitrogen, and a little magnesium. Maybe some iron thrown in.

I’m not much of an organic soil grower but I wouldn’t think most soil growers would need to supplement much with calmag products.

Regardless- Epsom salts at around 1/2 tsp per gallon are an easy source of magnesium.

For calcium you can use calcium carbonate which comes in many forms from eggshells (really any kind of shells), to the pills you buy as calcium supplements.

There are lots of diy threads on making calcium supplements with vinegar and eggshells. That would presumably work faster than top dressing your soil with calcium.
do a search for organic calmag... it is out there and easily available. Also, look into making your own calmag out of eggshells, bones or shells.
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