Mid-Flower stage tempratures and feeding


New Member

Im growing 3 plants some White white widow and some master kush under 250W HPS, in a dark 6growing tent with all the ventalation and stuff. Grow is in soil, veg for 60 days flower for 31 day probably.
The problem is that lately my tent temps were about 85F-90F and humidity is 40% +-, i did all i could to lower the temps, added vents, opened the room as much as possible, higher lights and etc. but it doesnt seem to go lower than that.

I feed every other watering for a few weeks now into flower, 50%-75% strenght CANNA nutes with accelerators adn such. and 13\14 PK. in the smallest plant i noticed a small start of over feeding, and stopped feeding him since discovered it 2 waterings ago, i also noticed 6that hes color is the brightest of the 3 plants, it may be strain different than the other but im concerened because the leaves seem very light green, i have a prblem with the camera and will upload pics later, buds seem to developing nicly on all plants, i choped some lower leaves 2 weeks 6ago and planning on choping the rest up the buds in a week, is it ok?

what can cause the light colour on the 3rd plant and will the heat will be a problem? i start to see small inside curling on the little bud leaves on top.
Temps are real bad. That high will give you real fluffy buds. You might need some AC in the room. It will also help with humidity. Good luck.

So i managed to get the temps down to a steady 80F and the Humidity to 40%, summer is coming and i live in a hot country i guess there is no much i can do about it.

I've managed to upload some photos, please take a lok and coment i'm looking for eedback:


The sicker plant thats been over fed, and a bit yelowish:



The healthier ones:


How long do you think i should hold back the nutes on the over fed plant? its been 2 waterings since i fed her.
I have a quastion regarding defolation, i took off some low big fan leaves on the end of week 2, and i keep on reading these different thumb rules on when to defolate, can any one recomend a solid proof tested way on when to chop and how much fan leaves should i leave and where?
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