Meeting Tonight On Proposed Changes To San Jose Medical Marijuana Program

Robert Celt

New Member
A meeting will be held this evening for the public to discuss proposed changes to San Jose's medical marijuana program.

The 6:30 p.m. meeting at City Hall's Wing building will highlight various topics including how the city dispensaries carry out business with other cultivators and manufacturers statewide.

There will also be discussion on eliminating the 50 feet requirement between marijuana cultivation and manufacturing sites

Currently, there are 16 collectives that registered in San Jose that meet regulations passed by the City Council in June 2014.

Collectives have to cultivate marijuana off-site in San Jose, Santa Clara County or a neighboring county.

Collectives also have to stay 1,000 feet away from schools, day care centers, community centers and libraries, among other requirements.

In December, the council requested city staff to explore changes to the program and create a division of Medical Marijuana Control.

At this evening's meeting, the city will hear the public's take on city dispensaries sharing their cultivation sites with one another and cultivating from several places in the city and state.

City staff is planning on presenting the community's input on the changes during the City Council's March 29 meeting.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Meeting Tonight On Proposed Changes To San Jose Medical Marijuana Program
Author: Staff
Contact: Fox2
Photo Credit: Steven Senne
Website: Fox2
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