MediMJ Economy


New Member
Hello everyone,

My name is Tony, (handle is Blisterchicken).

Started smoking after High School. Got out of it for a long time, then on a sales trip to San Fran, scored some Blueberry Kush. Ended up selling more than anyone. Guess it works! LOL

Want to know how MediMJ has affected to local community in which you live.

Also looking to cash in on the industry with my own innovative smoking products.

The way I look at it is like this, since the Wall Street/Federal Reserve economy is tanking, why not include myself in an economy that is working? Duh!


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Take your coat off and get to know some of the locals, the staff here are great and our members are top shelf... :Namaste:
Matanuska! Ha!

Lemmie find the right thread to post, but I am writing a story of what happened to me in 3 weeks on a sales trip, and how it relates to medimj. Be fun to share in increments when I'm finished.

But I will share one of the characters with you. He was on the trip with me. He told me about the Matanuska Thunderf>ck. Ha! Supposed to be one of the best. During the trip, sometimes just randomly one of would just blurt out, "Matanuska Thunderf>ck." Then the name, turned into an expression. Taking a corner too hard with a baggage cart, I spouted "Matanuska Thunderf>ck!"


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