Medical Marijuana Rally Against SB 423

Jacob Bell

New Member
KALISPELL- The new medical marijuana act is expected to go into effect in less than a month. But Senate Bill 423 opponents are working hard to make sure the new law is delayed.

The Montana Cannabis Industry Association hosted a rally event in Kalispell Saturday night, to raise money to help cover their law suit.

MTCIA has filed a lawsuit to get an injunction against Senate Bill 423 from going into effect and had to raise $50,000 up front in order to cover initial attorney fees. They were able to raise that money in four days.

Organizers predict the lawsuit will be a long-term project, and have been holding fundraisers all across Montana to continue raising money for attorney fees.

Medical marijuana backers say patients and supporters have been very generous at each fundraiser, and expect to break the $100,000 mark in donations Saturday evening.

"It's a wide range of people who are giving because there's patients concerned about access," said MTCIA Board Member Kate Cholewa. "There's people who have invested their life savings into their businesses and are concerned. Then there's people who are upset because they feel like this is an insult to the voters."

MTCIA says SB 423 is an attempt to repeal the current medical marijuana act, not regulate it. They have also been petitioning around the state for a referendum that could bring power back to the voters for the November 2012 election.

News Hawk- Jacob Ebel 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Laura Wilson
Contact: Contact Us
Website: Medical marijuana rally against SB 423
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