Medical Marijuana Legislation Under Review

Jacob Bell

New Member
SEATTLE - From the outside you'd barely notice it, but inside of the Ballard Herbal Collective there's cookies, brownies drinks and cannabis in raw form. It's medical marijuana.

"I've seen the benefits of it I've seen cancer patient's relief," says Stacey T., who runs the Ballard Herbal Collective.

Since November, he's handed out marijuana to patients with an authorized medical note, no cost involved.

"There's lots of stuff that cannabis helps that people don't see on the outside," he said.

The collective is one of the first storefronts in Seattle, but not everyone is happy it's here.

"The neighbors near us don't like us and that's why we're moving," said Stacey.

Stacey's landlord says he has to move. He's now hoping a new House bill will add a little more credibility to what he does.

"Right now we have an affirmative defense which means they can arrest us then we have to prove it later," he said.

Stacey has at least one big supporter - the City of Seattle.

"What's most important from the city attorney's office is that Seattle have the ability to zone or regulate the production so it doesn't harm our communities," says the city of Seattle's special counsel and policy advisor, John Schochet.

Philip Dawdy, Washington Cannabis Association President, agrees.

"It will clean up and reform state law. It's going to give state law the clarity they wanted and law enforcement. It's going to give patients clarity instead of going to court to prove you're a good person," he said.

Stacey is now trying to raise enough money for a new place and a landlord willing to take a chance. He's also watching what happens in Olympia.

"We just need the lines in black and white so patients don't get harrassed," he said.

There are two versions of the bill undergoing amendment changes in both the House and the Senate.

News Hawk- GuitarMan313 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Tonya Mosley
Contact: Contact KING 5 and
Copyright: King Broadcasting Company
Website: Medical marijuana legislation under review
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