Medical Marijuana Dispensary's Sandusky To Be Sentenced Monday In Los Angeles

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Former G3 Holistic Inc. medical marijuana dispensary president Aaron Sandusky is expected to be sentenced to federal prison on Monday for up to 10 years.

"I'm looking forward to getting through this part of the process and move on to the appeal," Sandusky said in an email from inside the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles. "I hope that this gets overturned or at minimum a new trial. There are no winners in this case."

Sandusky, convicted in federal court of operating medical marijuana dispensaries in Upland, Colton and Moreno Valley, will be sentenced at 8:30 a.m. at the Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse.

On Oct. 12, Sandusky was convicted of two counts of violating federal marijuana law, one for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana plants, possess with intent to distribute marijuana plants, and to maintain a drug-involved premises, as well as a second count of distributing marijuana plants, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release.

On both counts, the jury found Sandusky was in possession of and distributing at least 1,000 marijuana plants.

The federal government in a Dec. 31 sentencing position report requested the court impose a 10-year prison term, 10 years of supervised release, no fine and a mandatory special assessment of $200.

Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles, said Friday his office had no comment prior to the sentencing.

According to the prosecutors' report, "Sandusky should not be eligible for a safety valve," or reduced sentence.

The agency said Sandusky had three criminal history points and was an organizer, leader, manager and supervisor of others involved in the offense.

Federal pre-sentencing reports are not made public, so what the three criminal history points are is not clear.

But Sandusky, according to an objection to the presentence report filed his attorney Roger Jon Diamond on Dec. 7, does have two convictions for driving while intoxicated.

Diamond wrote that "Sandusky disputes that he should be given three criminal history points for two DUI convictions wherein he was arrested March 24, 2002, and March 27, 2003. They are too old to be counted and they are only misdemeanors."

Additionally, Diamond's report says Sandusky's former girlfriend began stalking him and he needed to obtain a civil restraining order against "the former girlfriend who falsely accused him of rape. The charge was false and the case was dismissed."

Diamond, who declined to talk about strategy, said he would have 10 days to file a notice of appeal after the sentencing and the "appeals are handled maybe within six to nine months."

Christopher Kenner, a former patient at G3 Holistic Inc. in Upland, said he will be in the audience for the sentencing.

"I hope there's going to be a lot of people," Kenner said.

"We're not sure how many people we're allowed to stuff in that courtroom. I've been stressing quite a bit over it. I ended up in the hospital over the holidays for it. I stress out every time I think about him going to jail for this. I don't understand. It is wrong. I don't understand why this would happen. Aaron is a great person. The people of Upland are losing a good businessman, someone that helped a lot of people in that city. It's a shame."


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Author: Wes Woods and Sandra Emerson
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