Medical Marijuana Back In The Legislature

Truth Seeker

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Michigan's murky medical marijuana law gained a bit of clarity recently with the state Supreme Court's decision to outlaw dispensaries, but legislation introduced in Lansing seeks a safe way for legitimate patients to obtain their medicine.

The Medical Marijuana Provisioning Center Regulation Act, introduced by State Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville, would "allow the establishment of medical marijuana provisioning centers," which would provide the drug for those with doctor recommendations.

State Rep. Tom McMillin, R-Rochester Hills, is one of 16 bipartisan co-sponsors of the bill.

"I've talked to people that are under a lot of stress," McMillin said.

"Medical marijuana is something that is very helpful to them, and all of a sudden, because of that court case, they face the possibility of a life of extreme pain and not being able to eat, because marijuana helped with that."

The bill would allow municipalities to determine whether marijuana provisioning centers would be allowed in their communities.

"It's pretty simple to me," McMillin said. "The voters spoke. They wanted to allow medical marijuana, and I've got friends who are legitimate medical marijuana users. It helps with pain management. I know it is a very legitimate form of helping cancer patients. Because of the court ruling against dispensaries, something like this needs to be done to clarify the law so people can have access to it."

In a news release, Callton said the sale of medical marijuana must pass the "grandma test."

"This is a local control bill, empowering communities," Callton said.

"It requires local approval for a provisioning center to open. It allows for safety inspections and even gives locals the option to have the products tested for quality control. The end result here is a provisioning center that you would feel OK having your grandmother walk into."

The provisioning centers would only be able to supply marijuana products, and customers would be forbidden from consuming the products on site.

Caregivers would be able to sell excess product to the provisioning centers.

McMillin said the current law, which requires patients to either receive marijuana from designated caregivers or to grow it themselves, makes it difficult on medical marijuana users.

"There's a lot of gatekeeping going on right now, and I think that is prohibiting many from having medical marijuana," McMillin said.

The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act has prompted several court cases, including some in Oakland County, where medical marijuana dispensaries in Waterford Township and Ferndale were raided in August 2010.

"There was uncertainty about the law," McMillin said.

"I think people were looking to the courts to create that certainty, and the courts really didn't."

Robin Schneider, legislative liaison for the National Patients Rights Association, believes medical marijuana should be distributed in a safer manner.

"Our organization has been lobbying for regulated distribution of medical marijuana for quite some time, and we feel that patients need safer locations to acquire their medical marijuana and there are patients with lowered immune systems who absolutely have to have access to testing of the medicine," Schneider said.

"We need to be looking at what is the safest scenario. Do we want the distribution of medical marijuana to be happening in our neighborhoods, or in an organized setting?"

A similar measure introduced by Callton failed last term, according to the release.

McMillin admitted that medical marijuana is a touchy subject for some, but he thinks the legislation has a solid chance of passing this time.

"I think that there's a need," he said. "I would think it would pass, and if need be, I think we could present plenty of people who are struggling because of that supreme court case.

"Is it a little uncomfortable for some? Sure, but I think it's the right thing to do."


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