may have shocked her...NEED HELP!


New Member
so, i started with fluorescent while roots were exposed through small cubes. then i transferred to a larger cube and left under fluorescent until roots were exposed again. once exposed i transferred to hps 1000's to begin veg, (not direct lighting as to ease the transition.) i think i didnt allow enough time to pass before i turned on full throtle lighting. i am not seeing enough growth and i am 2 weeks in to fruit. WHAT ARE SOME SIGNS OF SHOCK!!! i think i didnt allow enough time for adjustment.....anybody out there?!?!?!
Re: may have shocked her...NEED HELP!!

im using 5gl buckets filled w croutons. im using 3pt GH. im feeding 3x a day while lights are on, 3 hrs apart. im on 12-12. i got the co2 going and a few additives like superthrive and sm90.....does this help?
Re: may have shocked her...NEED HELP!!

and a huge fan of dexter althogh i missed this season.
Re: may have shocked her...NEED HELP!!

and im at 900ppm now. I like to go north on the ppm, like 100-150 per week until i hit 1650-1800
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