Maximum yeild/minimum space


New Member
Hi all.Im after some advice and reckon this is the place to get it.
I have an area of 1200cm wide x 650cm depth x 1600 high (grow tent) with 400w hps,carbon filter and 5" fan growing in a perlite soil medium.Im about to harvest 4 plants for the first time from seed but have cuttings and was wondering what you guys/gals think i should do with this space the second time around.should i keep plants short due to height restriction?should i fill area with 8-10 plants?Or should i just keep with 4 as before?
any info/help with this will be greatfully received...Cheers my ansoms..;)
Get pure Sativa seeds and grow them 12/12 right from start. Will work nicely!

Pure sativa with height restrictions ????????

That would be a bit of a challenge. LOL

Sativas with 12/12 from seed will get max. 90-110cm. So with a 160cm tent he will have plenty of space to hang sh1t up.
The only strain Id say that goes quite higher is Nl5XHaze... but thats no starter strain either ^^
Hang "things" up like lamp reflector, filter etc.

You can germinate seeds, give them 1-3 days blue CFL (already 12-12), then switch to red HPS 12-12 and you will get plants arround 60-110cm after 8 weeks. The yield per plant will be poor, yield per Watt will also be lower but the yield per year will rise. So going 12-12 from seeds is optimal if you want to grow the whole year thru anyway. But you will want sativa heavy seeds to get at least 80-90cm plants. Pure indicas might obly get arround 60cm wich meand that you waste light.

With this grow style you can do a SOG just like with clones but with seeds.
Ha sorry guys.think i must be a bit carried away with the 0's..I meant 120cm.thanks for all your advice.will be taking it all on board.
I think A SCROG grow would be quite beneficial to you with the space you are working with. Its going to give you maximum yield as well if you want to grow smaller or less plants.:grinjoint:
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