Maximum time when sprouting in paper towel?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, Just wondering what is maximum time to wait for seeds to sprout using the paper towel method? Thanks all.
I'll wait up to seven days.

I start by placing the seeds in a shot glass with water and a touch of CALiMAGic.
The seeds stay there until they sink, or get tossed after three days of floating around.
I use the same mixture to dampen the paper towel, placing the seeds in the paper towels between two saucers. The saucers are placed either on top of the refrigerator, or on a seedling mat.
The seeds usually show a tap root within 48 to 72 hrs. After seven days, any that don't are discarded.
I have had seeds take a week to pop. Not often but some do take longer. After 7 days the chances fall way off. How much you paid for that seed has a lot to do with how long you will keep that paper towel moist LOL.
I toss seeds in pH water, warm space, for 24-48hrs till I see activity, crack or something
Then into paper towels, in a warm space, usually around 24 hrs just depends on the activity they had in the water, but never plant untill at least 3/8" tap roots show

I'd say once in the medium it takes maybe 2-3 days.

Ones that take longer usually are challenged seeds or never popped in the paper towels

My experience, slow ones to sprout usually don't do well over time, means slow like 5+ days
Thanks a bunch guy's. I have three that are showing tap root right now. My other question is how deep should I plant the seed once it has a long enough tap root and also at what point should I put it under lights? I have a thermostatically controlled heat mat I will be putting it on when planted also. Should I wait until the seedling emerges then put under lights? Thanks all.
Once the tap root pops out you can plant it. Around 1/2 a inch is about right. I wouldn't go deeper than that. Less is ok but it will be more spindly for a while.
Right after you put it in the soil it can go under the lights. You mention a heat mat. Do you have really low temps? If not you may not want to use it. A lot matters what kind of light you are running. The seedling is going to grow towards the heat the light is giving the top of the soil. They can't see light yet so it is their way to know which way to grow. Heat mats can screw that up at times. It all depends on your situation. Even with cool temps at times I don't use my mat because of this.

I never lost a plant to a heat mat. I need to make that clear I quit after only one grow. I only quit on a suggestion for a grower that knows tons more than I do. He has grown as a outlaw for over 30 years so he knows his shit. It wasn't worth the risk when things were working without it.
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