Mature buds


420 Member
Hi all.
For the last few years I've been growing but I haven't really had any opportunity to smoke anything. This means I have several years of bud which, after the initial drying and curing, has just been left in airtight bottles. These are Mandala strains. The aroma on opening is heavenly, there's no sign of mould etc. Some feels dry but there's also some which is sticky.

Questions I would like to ask your advice on:
Should it be completely dry or is sticky OK?
How long will it keep? (currently in a dark cool place)
I've just tried a quick blast and seems it's pretty potent, or probably because I've not smoked for years?



Slightly sticky is ok with me - I have a couple of jars at the back of the cupboard from about 18 months ago which is still slightly sticky/soft
Buggered if I can remember what it is though lol

*edit* I just remembered - when I had to scrap my old car I cleared it out and found some Shark's Breath [Great White Shark x Lamb's Bread/Breath] that must have been about 5 years old, just in a bag stuffed down the back of a seat
Some of the best smoke I've ever had
If it was going to mold it would have already. Your nose would have let you know if it was bad. Sealed glass in a dark place it will last for a LONG time. I've popped jars that were 7 years old. There is a bigger difference from seed to seed than there is from year to year of proper storage.
I have some left from the first plant back in 2017. Other than that there is at least one jar for every year since.

One jar did go bad at about 2 and 1/2 years after harvest and cure. I had checked the jars on the shelf and everything was OK and then several months later I checked again and that one jar smelled 'funny'. Waited another month and checked again and it was bad, a really bad smell. At least it was just a 1/2 of a pint jar's worth.
I have some left from the first plant back in 2017. Other than that there is at least one jar for every year since.

One jar did go bad at about 2 and 1/2 years after harvest and cure. I had checked the jars on the shelf and everything was OK and then several months later I checked again and that one jar smelled 'funny'. Waited another month and checked again and it was bad, a really bad smell. At least it was just a 1/2 of a pint jar's worth.
True, there are too many possible variables to say how long any harvest can last. Any chance the temp shifted in storage wings?
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