Marijuana Repeal Heads to Governor

Jacob Bell

New Member
BILLINGS - The Montana Legislature Friday passed a bill to repeal the state's medical marijuana law. The legislation now goes to the desk of Governor Brian Schweitzer, where he can either sign it into law or veto it. The democrat has hinted that he would be unlikely to support any measure to repeal the voter-approved law.

Montana voters overwhelmingly approved the initiative that legalized medicinal marijuana in 2004. Schweitzer has said he feels Montanans support reforming the system, but not a full repeal. Meantime, a bill to impose certain new regulations on the industry is still alive. A vote in the House is expected soon.

Back to the repeal bill, it is expected to arrive on the governor's desk by Tuesday. He then has 10 days to either sign or veto it.

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Website: Marijuana Repeal Heads to Governor
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