Marijuana production uses 1 percent of all U.S. electricity


New Member
Marijuana has a Godzilla-sized carbon footprint, with indoor production consuming one percent of all electricity produced in the United States, according to a study.

The resulting carbon dioxide emissions from all those power plants is equivalent to operating 3 million badly painted Volkswagen Microbuses (see photo).

Here's some more interesting facts:

* Energy costs account for 25 percent of marijuana wholesale costs.

* The energy required to produce one joint is equal to running a 100-watt light bulb for 17 hours.

* A four-by-four-foot lighted "production module" uses the same energy as 30 refrigerators.

Of course, after reading all that, you're probably wondering how much in energy costs the U.S. could save if we just let people grow marijuana outdoors.

The answer? $5 billion, or 2.5 million pounds of weed.
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