Marijuana Not As Harmful As Other Drugs


I have loved reading the CT for the last three years, and am usually impressed by the Opinions section, even when the articles are ridiculously liberal. The obvious liberalism of the staff is part of the reason I'm so surprised by the editorial "U.S. not ready to puff the magic dragon," ( CT, Nov. 4 ).

First of all, the extremes the editorial board went to are absurd. Paralleling marijuana and heroin? Are you kidding me? That might be the most ignorant comment I've ever seen published in this paper.

The article reflects the author's complete lack of knowledge about marijuana. It claims that with so many problems with alcohol, the United States "can't handle" marijuana. The truth is, marijuana is less harmful to people and society than alcohol. In fact, that was exactly the argument used to persuade Denver voters.

Legalization of marijuana would undoubtedly reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol leads to a social unruliness ( fights, rape, domestic abuse, etc. ) that marijuana doesn't; and it impairs the ability to function and make decisions to a much higher degree.

As someone who has spent a lot of time around regular marijuana users ( as well as plenty of heavy drinkers ) I can honestly say the effects of marijuana are minimal compared to those of alcohol. And the fact is, adults should be able to make the choice, just like they can with cigarettes and alcohol.

The biggest problem with marijuana is that people ( such as the editorial board ) don't distinguish it from other drugs. It's too bad so many people can't have an open mind and see the real picture, rather than just regurgitate what they've heard from bad after-school specials and D.A.R.E officers.

Source: Collegiate Times (VA Tech, Edu)
Copyright: 2005 Collegiate Times
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I have to agree with you on that one 100%.

Marijuana is natural, && anyone can grow it....Therefore the U.S Government cannot keep control over who is growing it && they wouldn’t be able to put Tax on Marijuana....That's one reason why it's not legal.

Another reason on that is because Marijuana opens your minds eye. In other words... You become more open minded, It give you inspiration. It brakes down most of your mental walls, and allows you to think rationally, and it helps you to take a step back, and see the entire picture... for what it truly is.

&& if the majority of our population, really could grasp what's going on behind the scenes... they wouldn't stand for it.

So that's why they came out with the movie "Refer Madness" to scare most of the population from marijuana about 2-3 decades ago.

When the truth of the matter is:

Marijuana is harmless to us.

It’s actually, Better for most of us.

It helps a lot of us make it through the day.
&& Look at things in a more positive aspect.


These are my own personal opinion though.

Have a great day hun.

Yeah! I totally know where your coming from man. Me and my friends have had this discussion many times and it always ends up with why is the government so ignorant? The whole buzz comparison thing for pot and alcohol has been a discussion before as well. Booze makes you stupid and you do dumb things but pot just makes you relaxed and you are mellow, not to mention no O.D.
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