Marijuana: Mitt Romney Doesn't Like Your Questions About Cannabis

Truth Seeker

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Mitt Romney doesn't like marijuana or medical marijuana, and he doesn't want to hear your insignificant questions about the subject, either. At least, that's what he told CBS4's Shaun Boyd in an interview yesterday.
As you can see in the video below (starting at around 33 seconds), the reporter asks the presidential candidate a viewer's question about medical marijuana after discussing gay marriage, a hot-button issue for Romney.

Medical cannabis is a big issue here and in sixteen other states, but Romney doesn't seem to think so. Nor did he like the question: He chastises the reporter like a father lecturing a mouthy high schooler for asking him about something he clearly finds trivial.

"Aren't there issues of significance that you'd like to talk about?" Romney asks. "The economy, the economy, the economy. The growth of jobs. The need to put people back to work. The challenges of Iran. We've got enormous issues that we face, but you want talk about -- go ahead -- you want to talk about marijuana?"

Then he dodges the issue of state-legal medical marijuana by equating it and its users with illegal drugs: "I think marijuana should not be legal in this country. I believe it is a gateway drug to other drug violations. The use of illegal drugs in this country is leading to terrible consequences in places like Mexico -- and actually in our country."

Then the reporter drops the issue, moving on to Romney's official talking points about the economy.

Never mind the fact that medical marijuana is an economic issue in this state, a legal industry that brings in millions of dollars in tax revenue and also creates hundreds of jobs. Apparently an economic reality in 34 percent of the states in this country isn't big enough for Romney to consider.


News Hawk- Astonr420 420 MAGAZINE
Author: William Breathes
Contact: Denver About Us Westword
Website: Marijuana: Mitt Romney doesn't like your questions about cannabis - Denver News - The Latest Word
Romney asks the reporter ""Aren't there issues of significance that you'd like to talk about?" Romney asks. "The economy, the economy, the economy. The growth of jobs. The need to put people back to work.

I respond...Well, Mitt. If cannibis was legalized, it would help the economy (taxes and jobs) and do away with billions of dollars spent to fight the War On Marijuana. These billions could be spent of schools, poor, homeless etc.

I should run for President and get some common sense back in the govt.
Mitt Romney doesn't like marijuana or medical marijuana, and he doesn't want to hear your insignificant questions about the subject, either. At least, that's what he told CBS4's Shaun Boyd in an interview yesterday.
As you can see in the video below (starting at around 33 seconds), the reporter asks the presidential candidate a viewer's question about medical marijuana after discussing gay marriage, a hot-button issue for Romney.

Medical cannabis is a big issue here and in sixteen other states, but Romney doesn't seem to think so. Nor did he like the question: He chastises the reporter like a father lecturing a mouthy high schooler for asking him about something he clearly finds trivial.

"Aren't there issues of significance that you'd like to talk about?" Romney asks. "The economy, the economy, the economy. The growth of jobs. The need to put people back to work. The challenges of Iran. We've got enormous issues that we face, but you want talk about -- go ahead -- you want to talk about marijuana?"

Then he dodges the issue of state-legal medical marijuana by equating it and its users with illegal drugs: "I think marijuana should not be legal in this country. I believe it is a gateway drug to other drug violations. The use of illegal drugs in this country is leading to terrible consequences in places like Mexico -- and actually in our country."

Then the reporter drops the issue, moving on to Romney's official talking points about the economy.

Never mind the fact that medical marijuana is an economic issue in this state, a legal industry that brings in millions of dollars in tax revenue and also creates hundreds of jobs. Apparently an economic reality in 34 percent of the states in this country isn't big enough for Romney to consider.


News Hawk- Astonr420 420 MAGAZINE
Author: William Breathes
Contact: Denver About Us Westword
Website: Marijuana: Mitt Romney doesn't like your questions about cannabis - Denver News - The Latest Word

High Everyone,

I found this clip of this event on youtube and thought I would share it with you all as well.

Medical Marijuana Irrelevant To Romney - YouTube

I have personally heard him speak and even voted for him over McCain in the primaries. NOW, I will *NOT* be voting for any candidate that cannot take an unequivocal stand to end the war on drugs. Anything short of that is stupidity or hypocrisy.

Yeah, we want to talk to you about rescheduling cannabis, arsehole. Let's create a new peaceful economic engine that could lead to an end of our gluttonous consumerism. Let's get back to the land of the free.
He doesn't get it and like most of them they never will, I live in So Cal and as every year goes by I get more efficient in growing my own and taking care of my own needs, and rely less on a collective, for my cannabis, when will these politicians get that this is a economic issue, and how much money is wasted each year on this long lost so call war on drugs...Oh and I no longer buy 4 different scripts that my old MD us to give me, my new doc from Kaiser says it is OK, the MD that gave me the script is a board cert. heart surgeon...I could go on but whats the use....Ganjahoarder has my vote.......:peace::lot-o-toke:
I had seen another video of him totally blowing off a disabled person that was asking about Medical Marijuana,

Mitt Romney on medical marijuana users - YouTube

I can't believe this guy, now with over half the US for MMJ, how does he expect to be getting voted in, especially if he is blowing off disabled citizens like that.

All it takes is a spark to cause a wildfire. Hope this guy doesn't even come close in the elections.

I have always been a libertarian who almost always voted GOP or none of the above. If the GOP thinks people like myself and the Tea Partyers are going to fall in line on election day, its wrong. We, the hoi polloi, know the GOP is every bit as responsible for our country's mess as the DEM party, if not more.

I believe the Libertarian wing of the party is going to dominate where it once was the religeous right. If the GOP doesn't deal with us on spending and cannabis, the GOP is dead.
I've said it once, I'll say it once Ron Paul! Write him in. Don't vote for Romney or Obama, as if that is the only choice we have. It is NOT. We MUST vote for someone that has our country's back in every way, and that is Ron Paul. If you decide *not* to vote, it's as bad as voting for the others, for being silent is the same as approving of them.

Romney is such and idiot.... MMJ creates jobs, will help improve the economy, just hemp growing alone could bring in billions to the US, not to mention Medical Marijuana revenues, job creations but he is too dumb to see behind the facade of the "drug" label. What a freaking moron! And then we have Obama, the one who used to have personal "techniques" for smoking pot back in the day, but ignores the fact that Marijuana will help the nation. He lied to all of us for votes, saying he would lay off legal states, and he has more raids under his record than any other administration. The only choice is Ron Paul. He stands for our voices, not big business.

I just don't understand how many times these government officials can use the " we find no medical value" statements, when in fact many of there government funded departments have found the exact opposite... so are they spending money to fund research they dont find credible? that would be my big question to them?
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