Marijuana Debate Flames on to National Level

So just what did the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's statement about the change of policy regarding federal raids against medical marijuana facilities actually mean?

Depends on who you ask apparently.

Holder was pretty clear: "This is now American policy."

But MSNBC reports that at least one California police official says it means virtually nothing. Rob Bryn with the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department said "There is absolutely no new information in this."

Come again? Try running that by Mr. Holder.

The story gets right to the razors edge of the problem with marijuana policy in California and the eleven other states that allow some level of legal medical marijuana, use, growth and sales. Who is legal and who isn't? California Attorney General Jerry Brown wades into that morass last August, trying to issue regulations to clarify the state's position. It touched off almost more controversy and debate than before it was issued.

Meanwhile, plenty of former distributors, like Charles Lynch, are awaiting trial for criminal charges following federal raids of their medical marijuana facilities.

Which is why San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano wasn't just buzzing for some camera time when he held a press conference last week announcing legitimate legislation that would legalize marijuana in California, a move he said would save the state a billion a year in prison expenses and make the state another billion in taxable revenue.

Nothing ignites a blaze, or in this case a blunt, like the issue of marijuana. But this on both the state and national level is just started to smolder again.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Author: Scott Sabatini
Copyright: 2009
Website: Marijuana Debate Flames on to National Level
I understand the whole 'payback is a bitch' thing but we are all in this boat. It's kinda like apartheid, where the ruling whites give some of the blacks power over others so they will do the dirty work. They/we are all victims
But MSNBC reports that at least one California police official says it means virtually nothing. Rob Bryn with the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department said "There is absolutely no new information in this."

not good news for me...

why do these cops here think they can go above the laws???
not good news for me...

why do these cops here think they can go above the laws???

"It's hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it"
-Upton Sinclaire (1878 – 1968)
you have inspired me to dig out my vinyl for hear some real rockn roll strict double blind application of the rico statues to dea and most narcotics task forces would probably fill a lot of beds with real crooks after pot gets legalized and taxable so the prison industry wouldn't really suffer much from inmate losses long term.... some police depts and federal agencies probably would
This is actually a win-win situation for everyone. The states will save money by eliminating the non-violent marijuana offenders from the system and we get to medicate ourselves ;) This legislation will spawn new revenues that the American government has not even imagined. How many people do you know who would be willing to invest 15k with the honest ability to gross 100k without breaking the law? Come on FED's open your eyes and accept our money like you do the alcohol and tobacco industries. Our money is GREENER :grinjoint: These billions of dollars they discuss are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a US marijuana industry. How many people do you know who quit smoking because of drug testing at work? How many people do you know who occasionally turn to hustling to make ends meat? How many people do you know who are law abiding citizens who have to buy weed from the same drug dealer who sells drugs that enter through your nose or veins? We have the opportunity to see the largest cash crop in the history of the US become legalized and regulated. I am excited and hopeful that by 2015 we will be able to walk into a "Cafe" and buy weed on my Debit card or hell, OPEN UP A DISPENSARY
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