Male or female or too early to tell?


New Member
too early to tell
thanks, they went to 12/12 almost 2 weeks now, thnx agn!:peace:

Yeah, I'd probably give it another week given the time in 12/12. Some stains sex early while others take what seems like forever. If I recall, my two girls didn't show their sex until their third week. Genetics can be a real mother and I know it can be somewhat bothersome to wait, but their show eventually.
It's too early to tell, my AK-48s showed sex in about less than two weeks (they're feminized, but still...) , by week 3 there were marble size buds and some were much larger. This is a strain that flowers early so naturally you'd expect to see buds earlier than usual.
Any way telling the sex is really easy, males display no white hairs from pistils and you can actually see a ballsack like structure starting to hang from the joint. Female display a lot of white hairs so there's really not mistaking that.
The magnification you used should be enough to tell. However if the plant (or clone) used to flower stressed too much or got damaged (specially the roots), it may take a while to recover before showing sex.

Hope this helps.
I posted that pic because I thought about what you said, it looked wierd, but member feedback at 420 convinced me it is a normal occurence, the plant is making a last effort to find pollen. It turned out great, no hermie!, thanks for all your help!!:peace:
Those are buds, but they look funny... maybe a hermie? or it got pollinated?
I hope you enjoy your meds half as much as I enjoy mine! good job.
Remember to dry and cure them properly, I've noticed that this is more important than what one might think, the difference is huge!

Anyway, good luck and I'm glad it happened for you.
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