Mainlining question from pre growers


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

Just wanting a few questions answered on mainlining to only have 1 large cola.

What size pot did you use?

How long did you veg for?

What was your final dry weight?

Im thinking of doing 16 in a 4x4 space with a 600w hps - 32 in a 4x8 space running 3 600w hps, 7L pots coco/perlite 60/40 mix.

Im just thinking will i get more than 1oz from each if i do this as im yielding up to 21oz now but thats with a 5-6 week veg from seed.

Im planning on sexing a few plants to save on buying seeds.

What is your oppinions? less veg time and same yield or less yield? having a 1.5/2ft tall each plant, even canopy.
I dont think it's mainlining style your after, your more describing sea of green growing possibly. Lots of small containers, each close together with either seed or clone in each...if run straight 12/12 lighting, they will each grow into a mian cola with a few smaller outer buds...a very effective way to grow, if done correctly it will indeed yield well.
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