Mainlining: 4 Different Strains


Well-Known Member
Hello people, firstly I will run through my strains and equipment, and get yous up to date from there, and I’m growing indoors

lemon skunk - ( sativa-dominant hybrid )
Black cherry punch - ( indica-dominant hybrid )
Gelato- ( evenly-balanced hybrid )
Zkittles - ( indica strain )

Tent - 1m x 1m and 2m high
Light - Phlizon pro2000W Dimmable LED
Fan - black orchid 4 inch extractor fan
( Seems ok ) + oscillating fan - running fans half hour on and half hour off, alternating

Soil - Canna Bio Terra plus
Nutrients- Canna Bio Vega + Canna Bio Flores + Canna Bio Boost
Pots- 12L final size after transplanting

The ladies are 21 days old.
I germinated by leaving them in water for 18 hours, then into tissue paper until their about half inch long, then into root riot blocks, until their about an inch or so out the block, then into the soil.
I will attach pics to get everyone up to date.
One of the seeds didn’t sprout ( gelato ) so I had to do another.
Once they went under the light it was 17 hours on for the first 7-10 days, now it’s 19 hours on.
I’m watering when they need it at the moment, and didn’t start feeding the nutrients until the second week.
when one started showing signs of needing it ( bottom leaves going yellow ) and iv started nutes at half strength

The pics of the plants are once a week, but will add the germination pics , ole, lemons skunk was growing much quicker than the rest, can’t slow her down lol, and iv just topped them.
3 at the fourth node and lemon skunk at the third ( trying to let the others catch up lol )
But I did wait until they all had at least 6 nodes,
So I think that gets yous up to date, here’s the pics.
Last 2 pics are before and after topping









@Kaldean, nice setup and step by step pictues as the girls are growing.

When they mature you should have a nice selection of herb to consume anytime of the day with that different phenotype your growing to pick from.

Thanks for sharing.
@Kaldean, nice setup and step by step pictues as the girls are growing.

When they mature you should have a nice selection of herb to consume anytime of the day with that different phenotype your growing to pick from.

Thanks for sharing.
Thank you @garybo
I thought I would do the whole process for people who wanted to give it a go :thumb:
And yes my friend, I will hopefully have a nice selection :rofl::thanks:
Hello people, firstly I will run through my strains and equipment, and get yous up to date from there, and I’m growing indoors

lemon skunk - ( sativa-dominant hybrid )
Black cherry punch - ( indica-dominant hybrid )
Gelato- ( evenly-balanced hybrid )
Zkittles - ( indica strain )

Tent - 1m x 1m and 2m high
Light - Phlizon pro2000W Dimmable LED
Fan - black orchid 4 inch extractor fan
( Seems ok ) + oscillating fan - running fans half hour on and half hour off, alternating

Soil - Canna Bio Terra plus
Nutrients- Canna Bio Vega + Canna Bio Flores + Canna Bio Boost
Pots- 12L final size after transplanting

The ladies are 21 days old.
I germinated by leaving them in water for 18 hours, then into tissue paper until their about half inch long, then into root riot blocks, until their about an inch or so out the block, then into the soil.
I will attach pics to get everyone up to date.
One of the seeds didn’t sprout ( gelato ) so I had to do another.
Once they went under the light it was 17 hours on for the first 7-10 days, now it’s 19 hours on.
I’m watering when they need it at the moment, and didn’t start feeding the nutrients until the second week.
when one started showing signs of needing it ( bottom leaves going yellow ) and iv started nutes at half strength

The pics of the plants are once a week, but will add the germination pics , ole, lemons skunk was growing much quicker than the rest, can’t slow her down lol, and iv just topped them.
3 at the fourth node and lemon skunk at the third ( trying to let the others catch up lol )
But I did wait until they all had at least 6 nodes,
So I think that gets yous up to date, here’s the pics.
Last 2 pics are before and after topping









I forgot to say that after the first topping, I removed everything below the node I topped at.

Anyway, I put my training hoops in and done the second topping, if that’s the right word lol.
When I was doing it I noticed that the black cherry punch had split both sides,
This has happened to me before but never this early on.
I put some aloe Vera gel where it split, and then duct taped it up.
Dunno if she will make it but I won’t give up on her just yet.
So here’s the pics, first couple are the split branches, and what it did.
Going to let her try to recover before I go trainer her again :thumb:







Well I done the third topping and split the zkittles main stem right through the middle 😩
I have done this before and there wasn’t really no growth effect, but we will have to wait and see this time :nervous-guy:
The cherry punch that split both sides has healed where it split, but it’s not growing very good at all, so I’m going to wait a bit before I try to get the branches trained to where I want them
Iv managed the other 3 and will put pics up of when I topped them, and tonight’s where I got them near where I want them.
I intend on getting a clone off each and doing a better job next time :rofl:
Here’s the pics, the first 5 are where I topped, the other 4 are tonight’s training :thumb:









Little catch up here, my ladies are doing ok, considering the split 2 , the cherry punch and the zkittles.
The zkittles hasn’t really been effected, but the cherry punch is smaller than the others, but nothing major, think she’s starting to grow now, fingers crossed.
Iv upped the feeding to every 4 days now and letting them grow to a decent heigh before I flip them, about a foot and half I’m thinking, so here’s the pics.
First 2 are last week, and the other 2 are today :thumb:




Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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