MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insane!

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Okey Dokey, onward & upward to much more important this here dumb redneck how to grow. MacG, where 'art thou? I'd hate to be left hanging on this & I notice a slight absence of he who is battling what will no doubt kill me when I try to apply the knowledge thus far learned.

I've gathered various floros, have taken studious notes and really want to give a grow a shot myself. Would hate to go out on the ledge only to successfully endure 90% of the grow & wither in powdery mildew death enticing me to toss the towel 'cause I missed the last hour of class over, of all things, a misunderstanding with a "mater."

Hey man, seriously, you've done a heck of a job here, and I'm hoping all's okay. Actually, would rather the "mater" is keeping you offline instead of any of life's inconvenient annoyances. Check in if for no other reason than to let us know you're well.

'preciate it.
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it; and if it makes you feel better, I understood even prior to your last post the significance to the grow, or rather possible significance, to growing. If I remember correctly, Indians used to grow corn in circles around tomatoes. My understanding is twofold: 1 being easire germination of the corn by wind in a circle format; & 2 the fact that corn & tomatoes attract and repel different harmful/beneficial insects.

Funny how a forum actively in defiance of the "rules" ie...the law...picks its own rule to 'cause dissention. At least I know that the hypocrisy isn't knowingly intentional as all here seem to be class A folk...yourself included not to mention Julie Gardener. Let it go, life seems to be a never ending circle sometimes. Maybe thus the saying..."history repeats itself." I'm sure the rule is good intentioned seeing as I find it hard to believe a site dedicated to an illegal plant word intentionally outlaw a legal one. Obviously, they didn't outlaw it, lol, but the point is none the less humorous.

Just be thankful, pesticides, ferts, machinery, etc. aren't required to moved to the other corners of the forum also as then none of us would ever be able to learn squat....

In other words, Grow on Amigo & please don't let a small mishap/misunderstanding/erring (or whatever it actually was) discourage you or keep you from teaching me

....that I actually would be offended by. Thx for all your contributing, I honestly appreciate all the time & hard work it obviously entails.


:thankyou: I appreciate all the sentiment and kind words. It took some time for me to grasp all the ramifications of my post and I believe I came to the right conclusion. I'm not here to change :420: I'm here to learn and share information about mmj. I love my "maters" :) too, but now they have their own place on this great communication channel we call "420 Journals" even if it is in the "Off Topic" posting arena. :)

Now, I would really like to know more about you! Let me back up... First let me also thank you for stopping by and contributing to my journal. You have conveyed some well thought out opinions, which I know took time and effort. I appreciate that, as I'm sure all the posters on this journal do. :cheertwo::cheertwo::cheertwo: to you!

Most of all :welcome: to :420: a place where you can learn and share info about our favorite med's and even off topic "maters"!

I hope that soon you will start your own journal so I can visit and help support your grow.


Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

MOTM is Member of the Month, there is three different contests every month!!! MOTM(Member), NOTM(Nug) and POTM(Plant)!!! I actually nomed you and you currently have 3 votes!!! captain has you by like 25 or something like that...


Including mine! :)

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Man...your busy!:) Understatement!
I pray that you don't lose that indoor grow....hope they like the great outdoors. :) Those panels you have for plugs on the wall are killer. I want some.

Your outdoor girls are looking great. The DIY water barrel is great too. I did one, but used a cheap garbage can. First fill it split down the middle. :popcorn:

Well, you didn't mean to do the little infraction, no problem. When I first started I made mistakes all over the place. Probably in the Fraction Hall Of Fame.:high-five:

Good luck in the fight with the PM. :peace:

Hey OMM! It's just a time issue. :)

I figure that if the indoor grow doesn't let me kill them with errors, I'll give them their freedom in the sun... :rofl:

Garbage bag??? I thought I was cheap! lol. :adore: I do admire your honesty... and ability to cheer one up!

Well, I never was good at "fractions" either (I figure I'm in this for the long haul, so I'll be right behind you)... they seem to follow me like... Murphy!!! the horror, the horror. :)

I'm gonna beat the &^%%#@$^* PM! Even if I have to move the plants temp outdoors while I nuke the GR, I'll harvest those babes one way or another and have a :blunt: in celebration. :)

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Dont give up on that PM.. im sure u got it just bout under control al long as your getting good coverage... if worse comes to worse check out "water Cure" it will take car of the PM and leave you with useable smoke.

bummer to hear bout the mater post.... i had a similar thing happen but it was explained differently... as they just deleted the pics cus they were off topic..... i might have to head over and start my own up as well....cus your right! any Nutrient regimen that you use for your MJ plants will work Verry well in your garden (some tweaking for specific plants but overall the same)

if u can grow a MJ plant you can grow your own Plentiful Garden as well!

keep up the great work... love to see those lovely lady parts!

Thanks my friend! I think I can get the PM under control. It's just a "mater" of time. :rofl:

This is just my busy time of year and I don't get to do as much gardening as I would like, nor do I get much time to post and keep up with my fellow growers here. So for all those I have not visited today I apologize.

Yes!!! I would really like to see your garden!!! I bet it is very nice! I say go for it and I'm sure many visiting/contributing here would follow. :high-five:

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Thank you for being so understanding. No one is offended and I truly appreciate the way you handled this yourself. Classy, 420 times over....+ Reps.


Thank you! :thankyou: I appreciate your professionalism and want you to know that your attitude, knowledge, and the goals of all the :420: staff is one of the biggest reasons why I spend my scarce time here. Much appreciated!!!

:peacetwo: :Love:
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Thank you for making a point. In your case though, per our forum guidelines we do not promote or allow the reference to any type of drug, including alcohol. We are strictly a 420 based community and do not want search engine hits to connect our website to anything other than Cannabis. In addition, we simply prefer not to be associated with those substances.

If anyone is offended by my political view please feel free to contact Admin and speak your mind. Truly, I am not here to offend anyone and will always play by the rules squarely and equally as well. ;)

We are all equal and here together. Each of us is trying to help eachother learn and create Cannabis awareness to the masses. This is how we grow. :high-five:

I apologize MacG for interrupting your journal but I felt this also should be addressed in the open as well.

:Namaste: :focus:

High Julie!!! You have not interrupted anything... I appreciate the information you have posted that promotes a better understanding of the rules of our forums. Those guidelines are something all of us could revisit from time to time. :) And I know I could use a refresher! :rofl:

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Thank you! :thankyou: I appreciate your professionalism and want you to know that your attitude, knowledge, and the goals of all the :420: staff is one of the biggest reasons why I spend my scarce time here. Much appreciated!!!

:peacetwo: :Love:


We are glad to have you here with us! We truly appreciate all the hard work you and all the growers put into making these journals what they are. :bravo:

Much respects...

J.G. :Namaste:
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Okey Dokey, onward & upward to much more important this here dumb redneck how to grow. MacG, where 'art thou? I'd hate to be left hanging on this & I notice a slight absence of he who is battling what will no doubt kill me when I try to apply the knowledge thus far learned.

I've gathered various floros, have taken studious notes and really want to give a grow a shot myself. Would hate to go out on the ledge only to successfully endure 90% of the grow & wither in powdery mildew death enticing me to toss the towel 'cause I missed the last hour of class over, of all things, a misunderstanding with a "mater."

Hey man, seriously, you've done a heck of a job here, and I'm hoping all's okay. Actually, would rather the "mater" is keeping you offline instead of any of life's inconvenient annoyances. Check in if for no other reason than to let us know you're well.

'preciate it.

Hey there Jamethe3! :welcome: I apologize for my delay to responding. It's just a time issue. I really enjoy :420: and the time spent off-line last week was not because of Julie's and my conversation on the "mater" issue. Just simply burning the wick twice. And thank you :thankyou: for the kind thoughts and words.

Red neck! :) Sheeit! That's what my Cali friends called me when I got back from bama!:) They could not understand why I had long hair, grew pot, and had a southern drawl! Labels suck... and I never met a "red neck" I didn't learn something from.

OK!!! On to your grow. You have already done the number one thing a new grower can do to get started. That is follow these journals on :420:, do some research, and show you care about others grow and their posted journals, as you have already done! :bravo: and :cheertwo::cheertwo::cheertwo: to you my friend. If I can help in any way please let me know. I'm not very good at growing, but I am willing to learn from all the great people here. it seems that you are to. Start a journal and follow the guidelines and you will get mega help. Also please let me know, so I can follow it.

Oh... I almost forgot. A GREAT sense of humor goes a loooong way! We all take our grows seriously. But most of all we have to laugh and enjoy those grows. Even when we make mistakes.

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Hoooya, glad you're back. I'd decided I was prob gonna cast my ballot for the "madman of the month" on such a deserving soul as yourself, but had decided on seeing how you weathered "the storm" shall we say, chuckle-chuckle. As long as you made it back to finish prior to the 31st, you were getting my ballot. Glad you didn't push the deadline, lol. I'll cast shortly later on tonight; good luck.

Actually, I've been lurking for 'bout 9 months or so & occassionally posting. I'm on my 2d plant from bagseed and learning in leaps & bounds...although the weeks involved can make it not necessarily seem that way at times. I cut the first one too soon...lmfao, twice too soon actually. This one prob has another month (maybe less) to go....

Not trying to jack your journal, you asked so I thought I'd give the respect of answering...unfortunately, I suffer from a severe case of "long wind-itis."

I actually think I'm about ready to seek the real help available here from ya'all kind souls and plan on getting a camera within the next month and giving a grow a whirl once this second time consuming 'lil girl gets cut off at the knees; and thx for your offer of support, as a compliment to you, I'll disclose a fallacy of mine...I took it for granted already (shame on me) that you'd be there to help down the road should I ask.

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

that Pm is doomed..... DOOOOOOMMMMEDDDD I SAY!!!!!!
time is ticking fast brother... never seems like theres enough time in the day right!
just remember to take time for the good and easy things in life... *Breath*
yup thats it... i bet its the "key" to life..... to Breath.... :rofl: kinda importaint..... yet we forget to do it sometimes......

Start that journal up! im sure u will have people ready to help you. as for alot of us we are just here to share our knowledge and gain more as things are consistently advancing
in this industry.
im also sure that if u have been lurking for 9 months that alot of us have a tendency to "long wind-itis" as you said lol:rofl:
so as long as you can deal with that im sure u will get along great here!
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Thx, i just finished checking in on your grow. New update email, then came here. Glad the new update email for his thread was you. Karma it seems. Voted Mac yesterday for madman of the month & @ the same time punched your purple's ballot for POM...haven't decided on the nug yet.

Sure i'll pick one or the other by Aug 1...lmfao, yeah I know, the deadlines the 31st, but we all know how stoners drift.
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

:nameste: Jamth i saw that i got a vote... surprised me i got to admit lol thank you
Mac got my vote for MOTM as well Cronik is a good guy that has helped alot of people around here but Mac has been my Pic for this month as he has been "Growing by my side" so to say!
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

I don't know why you'd be surprised; its a beautiful plant & I actually thought it the best...nothing more. I'm pretty sure the "purple people puffer" is actually real close in age to my experiment...although faster finishing (even though if memory serves me, its a tad later than you'd hoped) & also bulkier.

Yes, ya'all been side by side and I'm subscribed to both. I believed I made to one or the other (yours i believe) tracking down a CO2 article from another journal (i think 420fied.) That ones completed now, & I had loved his nug in the June contest, but the nugs this time are all so much closer in beauty i couldn't decide on one yet.

That gentleman/woman really did an outstanding job & I'd really wished they'd been on the MOM poll for June as they were really, really deserving of recognition...truly an unbelievably giving & educating endeavor that grow journal.

Anyhoots, I honestly believe the two votes I've cast so far were to the two best entries on the respective ballots for their respective criteria; nothing more, unfortunately it would seem, my humble opinions appear slightly askance of the general consensus. At least you both finished first in one guys "contest" and I hope should you not win the larger battle ya'all at least realize you still won at least "one" smaller one. I will admit, I'll succomb to a small act of emotion in voting (as opposed to a "truly" best candidate) in that if I can't decide on a clearly best nug; and, 420fied's is also tied with others in my decision, I will prob vote for his as my vote last time did him no good. Hope that doesn't make me a hypocrite, just my idea of Karma.

Anyhoots, hats off to both of you and I'll follow, hopefully back in the wings as apparently, once I start...I can't stop typing...Long Wind-itis strikes again. Sorry MacG, I'll try not to do it again.

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

WOW, ty MacG...don't remember when last I received such a compliment. That really made my day & made me feel good. Don't know how worthy I'll be since I'm not allowed to PM, but I'll try hard. Had planned on coming back to ask you a quick question on gnats, but decided to post this instead (no PMing allowed ['cept to Julie & other admins at least] yet.) This seemed a higher priority to me; I do the question later

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

OH YEA we got ourselves another voter!!! thanks jamthe3 for being part of the minority!!! and apart of the :420: community!!!

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Aha, I see my taste in art are not as solitary as it once seemed...I feel better. After a brief, obviously very brief (lol,) moment to contemplation to pay respect for the compliment...since another post has been made I now would like to ask my question, if its not to much of a nuisance.

Gnats....other than being annoying (i'm assuming they're fungus gnats) do they pose any real bother, i.e. to the plant itself. I tried peroxide and such but, they seem to have a healthy clan brooding. Yet, rarely are they attached to my young lady nor do I see any negative impact upon her.

Thx in advance to the time it'll take you to respond, i appreciate it.

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Aha, I see my taste in art are not as solitary as it once seemed...I feel better. After a brief, obviously very brief (lol,) moment to contemplation to pay respect for the compliment...since another post has been made I now would like to ask my question, if its not to much of a nuisance.

Gnats....other than being annoying (i'm assuming they're fungus gnats) do they pose any real bother, i.e. to the plant itself. I tried peroxide and such but, they seem to have a healthy clan brooding. Yet, rarely are they attached to my young lady nor do I see any negative impact upon her.

Thx in advance to the time it'll take you to respond, i appreciate it.


Whats good Jamthe!!!
Hey man, i read in a magazine for hydroponics an article on fungus gnats, it said to trap them, your gonna want to put a bowl of vinegar topped with plastic wrap, poke a few hole in it. I guess they can get in when they get attracted to the smell, but they cant get out!!! i did catch a few of them when I tried it out!!! just a suggestion, as to if they are harmful im pretty sure they are bad!!! they will and can leave diseases!!!

Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Gnat control:
yellow paper with vasoline on it (yellow attracts them and they get stuck!)
Garlic Powder sprinkled on soil will drive them out of the pot (works with hydro to if D2W)
Soap water (2 drops normal dish soap in 1 Litter spray bottle.

if these ddont work the is neem oil
Azamax (neem based)
and the Kill All is Food grade Diotomatious earth (this stuff rocks! will kill any bug with in 20 min of contact!)

as for do they cause harm..... well yes and ne... they dont really go after the leaves as they seem to feed in the substrate off the roots etc. they do get in to the colas and get "stoned" to death... now with really bad infestations.... i think they are just a pain all together... they go to the lights die fall in to the nugs and you have peppered nugs..... will they harm you NAHHHH good protein... if u can get protein from smoking lol just anoying to "flake them out of the nug" as well as in a dispensary that is unacceptable and isnt "smoke worthy"
Re: MacG's Afgooey - White Widow - Hog - Mystery Plants - In/Outdoor Soil Grow - Insa

Thx, They seem to stay away from the plant (above ground at least) & it looks, if anything, overly healthy. I'm gonna lower the time on my lights to try to push it along a little faster...sorry, but it bugs me yours is a month ahead in ripening, lol.

Yeah, the gnats are annoying as heck; but, i honestly couldn't find a single thing they've harmed. Hadn't thought 'bout 'em falling dead off the light bulb on the buds though. Can't say I like that about "sun" spots.
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