MacEFL's 2nd Indoor Grow - Multi Strains In Soil


New Member
It's time to start my second journal. So here goes.

I am starting with 2 Ice, 2 ATF, 2LVPK, 1 Cin-x, 1 LA Confidential and 1 Blue Cheese. Thanks to our own HEADY for the generous donation of the LA con and the Blue Cheese. You will get first pick of the Cin-x when available. That's before me! It may change to 2 Cin-x if the little one takes off and I may have to get rid of a couple later if they don't fit in the light pattern. I have to build out my new room as it is too cold here to grow in the barn like last time, so, time to break out the tools. Any ways, here are the particulars.

Strain: See above
Into Veg now
Fox Farms Ocean Forest cut with 33% perlite by volume
In home made fabric pots, 3 gallon for now. 7 gallon later?
Under 200 or so actual watts CFL, will go to 600 watts MH, then 1200 watts HPS at flip. Will be air-cooled
Plan on using Earth Juice products and home made teas
Currently 71º & 41% RH
Will be watering as needed, the plants will tell me

Took clones, picked up clones and I am now ready for my next grow. I did pretty good I think on my first grow and have learned from my mistakes and my good decisions so hopefully this will be a good grow. I used 600 watts HPS on my first grow and have decided I need more light. I also decided that I wanted to go more organic. I am not going to be fanatical about it but if there is an organic choice for something that works I will choose the organic. If not, so be it.

I asked my wife to make me some fabric pots with identifying markers and she did just that. I may have done it a little bit differently but hey, I didn't have to do it. But they seem fully functional so I am grateful! I gave her the dimensions and she ran with it.

Yesterday we transplanted the clones that were ready. Watered them in with H2o with a little molasses mixed in. I still have 3 to transplant in a few days. My plan is to veg for 3 weeks or so and check the roots. If they are filling in the pot nicely I will put into 7 gallon pots. If not, will keep in veg until the height I want and then flip. But, I will have a nice root ball, nearly filling the pot before I switch. Last run I transplanted into 7 gallon pots and switched after a week. When I pulled them they hadn't filled in any from after the transplant. So that was a waste of soil and nutes. Let alone the price of the larger pots. This was an important lesson to me. A good root system generally mean larger, happier thus better producing plants. Hopefully the fabric pots help facilitate a good root system.

So here is a pic of how things stand now. I will be building my room as this goes, just like last time. I would just buy a tent but we live in an "a-frame" so the tent would have to be in the middle of the room and my wife just won't go for that.


The pots have matching bias on the top for strength and to differentiate the strains. The ric-rac is to identify between the two plants of the same strain. It will be easy to keep track of each one with Herbies program. This will be my first time using that and it looks like it will work well for my tracking needs. It tracks rooms, equipment, feeding schedules, individual plants ect.

Well, time enough spent here for now. It's time to get the tape measure out and start planning for the big build. I will report when there is something new to report.
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Sweet, looking forward to this grow...sub'd :thumb:

Working in the grow room today as well..adding walls etc. Love the new fab pots, will have to see how you like them and thoughts as this grow developes.
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

looking in on them last night and discovered that 1 of the Ice isn't happy. She is drooping pretty good. The soil was not too dry, not too moist. Normally I would have waited another day or so to water but i decided to give her a half cup or so of water. She looks the same this AM. At this point I can see nothing to do but let mother nature take it's course. She's not too wet, not too dry and she is in the same pot and soil as the rest. No nutes yet. If any one has any advice I would love to hear it.
I tried to upload a pic but my phone won't sync to my 'puter. I have to do a re-boot and see if that fixes it. Be back in a minute to see if I can continue.

Well, here is a couple of pics. The new growth isn't drooping, just the fan leaves. Any ideas?


Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Looks like some veining on her top?....maybe a little transplant shock as well, they are ready for nutes no doubt.

Hope someone else chimes in for ya with help :;):
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

I'm not sure what you mean by "veining on her top". And you are probably right re transplant shock. I guess I have to go spend some $. My wife will love that. She is out of town. Haha.
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Well I now have some earth Juice "tea" brewing. I used Catalyst, Microblast and Grow. I also added a little molasses to feed the microbes. It is brewing with one air stone and one open line. I need to get another air stone. I'm trying to get it up to 80° and it is coming along slowly. I had it on an heating pad. Not much help. Then I wrapped it with the same pad. Maybe a little better. So I put the wrapped bucket on the heating register. Now it is starting to warm up.

Looking in on them this morning the droopy Ice is just that, droopy. Not so bad I am in the least bit worried about losing her though. They will get fed this afternoon after the tea has been at temp for a few hours. Or at least I will feed the ones that are ready to be watered. I will give the droopy one a little regardless if she is ready or not. With the fabric pots drying faster I am not too worried about over watering in this instance.

Her twin on the other hand is doing beautifully. She was re potted a few days before the others in straight FF Ocean Forest. She has a least doubled in size since then. I am very excited to try these new strains. But, I will always, if possible, run the Cinex. I will take a bunch of clones off of this one. Actually, maybe I should hold this as a mother this time and donate some clones to people that I know I can get some back if needed. Do you know of any one Heady? Then I could run her next time. Man that is some fine smoke though.
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

That LA will pass up those larger clones in no time....get it into a larger pot asap.

Go ahead and mother that Cinex, can work out clones later :thumb:
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Well, Droopy is looking much better. Her leaves have picked back up except for the lowest 2 fan leaves. They are pretty yellow but I will leave them until she sucks all of the life out of them. I would guess that she had a touch of transplant shock and she wanted some nutes. I'm real glad that she turned around as I really like to run 2 plants of each strain. So at this juncture they are all fat and happy. They had their second feeding with Earth Juice products last night. We also transplanted the Blue Cheese and the LA Confidential. It was definitely time as their roots were just starting to poke out the bottom of the pot.

Now, the fabric pots. So far I think that I like them. They do dry out a little faster, but, they do dry! and I really like the extra Perlite. I have had zero clumping. To check the moisture content I run my finger down into it and I could go as deep as I wanted without any resistance. So I am guessing that the roots are having an easy time growing and that oxygen is getting to the roots. I am thinking I will check the roots in a couple of weeks and decide then if I will use 7 gallon pots to finish. My wife can make me new pots in just a couple of hours so not a big deal if that is what I decide to do.
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Sounds great bud, I had a few time delay's redesigning the room, so flower begins today.

Happy turkey day to you and the Mrs :)
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Hey Heady, A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your wife as well!
I am still in the planning stage of my new room. I know how big it will be and where I will put it but what I am still trying to figure out is what kind of flooring to use. I don't really want to use sheet goods. I'm leaning towards a vinyl plank that HD carries called Allure. They stick to each other and float on the floor. There is carpet in there now. It will share a wall with our second bath room which serves double duty as a laundry room. Because of it's dual duty there is no shower in there, so it is a half bath. So our plan is to build a room to grow in for now, with the plan of converting it into a combo walk in closet/laundry room combo with storage up above. I plan on framing it for a steel entry door that I already have and to have framing in place for a bi-fold door when it is converted. A sawzall and a few hours of trim work and it should be done. So I plan on extending the power for the dryer into the room as well as H20 in the form of a deep sink. While I am in there I will also put in the valves for the washing machine. Or at least stub it out. But, I don't plan on converting it back any time soon! Or, I slam up a couple of walls, add a door and start growing. HMMM
Re: MacEFL's 2nd indoor grow, Multi strains in soil

Time for an update. Things are looking good here. Droopy is no longer droopy. They all seem to be loving their fabric pots. It is too early to tell for sure but I think that I am liking the Earth Juice line. I am mixing it and then letting it bubble for a day or two. I am adding a Tbs of molasses to the mix to feed the little buggers.

Ice #1 was transplanted into straight FFOF 3 or 4 days before the rest were transplanted. And you can tell! She is taller and much bushier than the rest. The soil dries out pretty well with the fabric pots. I need to get them on a rack of some sort to get the pots off of the tray. Get some air flow underneath. I guess a trip to the dollar store is in the cards for later.

Here are pics of the ladies:

ATF #1

ATF #2

Ice #1

Ice #2




LA Confidential

Blue Cheese

I wish that they would get on the same feeding schedule. The smaller ones obviously drink less so need watering less. So now I guess I will have to always have 3 gallons brewing. I just need to figure out how to warm the brew. You are supposed to slowly warm to 80°. At the moment I have to light the pellet stove and put in front of that. Once I get the room built I can figure something better out. I want it in the room as my RH is a little low and the bubbling mixture helps raise it.

I guess that I should take a pair of trimmers to the Cinex. She looks kind or raggedy with all of the strange leaves. I can't see through them to see what the stem and branches look like. She also claws like her mother did. It didn't hurt mom and I don't suppose it will hurt her either. She also looks to be a great candidate for a SCROG. I won't have room for that though, sadly.
Well it's been a while since I last reported. So, let's get it done.

Things are looking real good here. They are all growing well and are loving their fabric pots. And it appears that the pots are working as advertised. There are tiny roots poking out of the pot from the top to the bottom. They will poke out and then disappear. So I am going to assume that they are air pruning as advertised. I won't know until harvest if that really means a whole lot though. They have all filled their pots with roots so we will be making new pots in the next day or so. They are in 3 gallon or so now and we will be almost doubling that. I will let them veg at least until they fill their pots with roots. Last grow I flipped too soon after transplanting into 7 gallon pots but I didn't leave them long enough to grow bigger roots. I now know that I just wasted soil and nutes.

They have been feeding every three days or so. That is the biggest drawback of the fabric pots. You have to stay on top of your watering. But you also don't have to worry too much about over watering. When they dry, they dry! I am still using the Earth Juice products. I bubble the nutes with water and a little molasses for 24 to 48 hours. Every few feedings I put a hand full of dried seaweed in a stocking and let it brew with the rest. I find that it helps keep everything a nice color green.

Here are some pics I took last night. Again I seemed to have missed a couple of plants. Oh well, what can I say?

LVPK #1 26"


LVPK #2 24"


Ice #1 24"


ATF #1 24"


Blue Cheese 15"


LA Confidential 31"


ATF #2 23"


We still need to build a flower room inside. With the room we have and with the 2 600 watters I am thinking that I will only be able to flower 8 plants. So I am thinking of mothering the larger Cinex. We have run up a tolerance to it any way. It just takes more and more to get the same results. So I figure if we hold that back until next run it will be fresh again. Besides we will have 5 new strains to play with.
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