MA: Recreational Marijuana Guidelines On Hold Pending State Regulations

Ron Strider

Well-Known Member
Regional planning commissions across Massachusetts are preparing to provide guidance to cities and towns on the regulation of recreational marijuana retailers, but the effort is on hold as state regulations are finalized, a local member said Wednesday.

Larry Smith, principal land use planner for the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, said representatives of the 13 regional planning commissions statewide, including himself, are part of a working committee that will draft local bylaw recommendations for recreational marijuana sales. The working committee is part of the Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies.

State regulations are expected to be finalized by March 15, 2018. In the meantime, regional planners are suggesting that communities adopt moratoriums on marijuana sales through December 2018, Smith said.

"What we are trying to accomplish is developing regulations to address community concerns and needs if they want to permit these (businesses)," Smith said. "We are not promoting or recommending them. Whatever direction the town wants to go, we will offer them guidance on how to get there, whether to permit or prohibit."

The future guidance will be similar to the regional planning commission's efforts to help communities in dealing with medical marijuana, which was legalized in 2012, Smith said.

It is imperative that local guidelines do not conflict with state guidelines under the new state Cannabis Control Commission, Smith said.

Gov. Charlie Baker in July signed a long-awaited compromise marijuana bill that included guidelines for taxation and for the creation of the commission, which will regulate both recreational and medical marijuana. The commission will receive guidance from a 25-member board.

Smith said regional planning commission representatives had a recent telephone conference to start the dialogue on local regulations, but the overall effort is essentially on hold pending the finalization of state regulations.

"It's waiting to see what the state comes up with," Smith said.

Some communities have moratoriums in effect, or are considering moratoriums, and there are also communities seeking to ban the sale of recreational marijuana altogether, officials said.

"It's not going to be easy," Smith said of the planning efforts. "Clearly there are very strong opinions on both sides of the issue. We will try to come up with something fair and workable."

The Springfield City Council adopted a six-month moratorium in late January that expired in August. With the state not accepting retail applications until sometime in 2018, there does not appear to be reason for extending that moratorium, said city planner Philip Dromey, citing guidance from the Law Department.

Voters in Massachusetts approved the recreational marijuana law in 2016, but the opening of retail stores was held up pending regulations.


News Moderator: Ron Strider 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Regional effort to draft recreational marijuana guidelines on hold pending state regulations |
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