420 Member
Yesterday afternoon (7/19/22) I was installing the first layer of 6x6 plastic trellis over my plants, and arranging the branches for maximum spread. I was trying to be very careful not to over bend any of the branches. Unfortunately though, one of my plants split right in the crotch of the two main branches that grew from where I topped the plant when it was a seedling. The main stock (below the “Y”) is 1-1/8” (28.5mm) in diameter, and the split starting at the “Y” is 1-1/2” (38.1mm) long. I immediately raised the trellis and pulled the two main branches back together to close the split. I then went a couple of inches above the split and tied the two main branches back together with some green plastic gardeners tape, to hold the split together. Then I tightly wrapped the main stock for the entire length of the split all the way back up to the "Y". My questions are: Is this an acceptable method of repair? Is there a better technique to utilize in this situation? Is there any kind of salve or ointment that I should have put in the split before I closed it together? Can I be restricting the transfer of water/nutrients from the roots to the leaves, by wrapping the tape too tight around the stock? It’s a bummer, because this plant is my healthiest and most vigorous grower… Any advice from the veteran growers in this community, would be greatly appreciated. P.S. This injury occurred about 18 hours ago as of the time of this writing…