Looking For Tester Of ViparSpectra P4000

Welcome @adamrt

Start a journal and go for the gold . Here's the link.

Stay, safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

I've got one, the link is in my signature!!
You missed me and is the deadline the 08 Sep?

08th SPE.


I'm a newbie but so far the Cinderella Jack has been my favorite grow, waiting for tent to clear to try out some new ladies:)
Added your name, and thank you for reminding me of the mistake of the deadline.
I'm in as I really don't need the light.
But, a win will go to a deserving member even if I have to pay for the shipping.
Cheers and good luck!

Cookies at the Bakery
It's a solid light folks!

As I'm already doing a journal for a #ViparSpectra P4000 that they were kind enough to provide, I don't think I'm eligible for this. While the child in me giggles at the thought of two of these lights in a 4x4 and what kind of yields can be pulled with that much lighting....there are other more needing growers on here that deserve a light like the #P4000.

Best of luck all, and to whomever wins, congratulations as you've got a great light to work with!

A big thank you to @ViparSpectra for all that you do.


Cheers and good luck!

that's a great grow and clean flower room. nice job.

my flower room looks oddly similar but is a smaller area.

Hell, we should all enter & if we win it goes to Bill. Dude's going through hell because of the fire & he's sure helped a lot of us out.

not sure how that would work. it would need the ok and involvement of 420 and the sponsor involved - #ViparSpectra to make it happen.

it is a nice thought though.

I know bill has commitments to other sponsors.BUT im pretty sure a no strings light would end up being a journal
at some point how bill is so active on here.All the sponsor wants is a active user and a journal.And why would gifting
a prize be a problem.People do it all the time in the monthly comps due to shipping.;)
# viparspectrap4000


Now all I need is a light to grow some of these :ganjamon:
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