Looking for an experienced large scale growers Drying Humidity Schedule


New Member
I have a few good sized harvests under my belt, but have yet to perfect the dry and cure. This time, I want it to be the best it can be. I shall employ the use of a humidity controller (& ultrasonic humidifier), and a Temp controller (AC/Heater) together, making my drying room a humidor. Using these tools I can exactly control the humidity/temp every day. Would anyone like to share their exact daily Humidity/Temp schedule for the entire drying period, and then the jarred curing as well?
This harvest I am choosing not to trim prior to drying, as It's very dry where I am and I've struggled in the past with drying too fast and having to compensate with extended curing times, never really fully recovering IMO. I have the ability this harvest to control it exactly. I can lower the rooms humidity as little as 1' a day, and temps as well. Does anyone have an exact schedule through the entire process right through to smoking? I would be forever in debt.
Here is what I know. I have learned this from a large grower and the proof is in .

65 degrees and 55% humidity for 8 days, or so. I will be using this same formula in another week. I know 2 growers who swear by this.

One trims first by machine and the other hangs complete plants and dries then hand trims.
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