Looking for a 100% CBD strain

I'm trying to find a 100% CBD strain or if that is not possible then a strain with the least amount of THC in it.

Does anyone know of such a strain?
May I ask why and what for? Just want to know more to avoid any negative effect by providing bad info…
To add for all of our benefit, in the early days I believed what I’d been told about cbd being the only beneficial. Many using products or making oils told me that thx was just as beneficial if not more medically. End of the day I don’t know exactly what the truth is. All I can say is my dad and I ended up using a regimen of concentrates made of from blue dream for daytime and kosher kush (Jews gold) for nighttime plus all the other diet changes of reducing sugar, oil etc. I’m still alive and my dad is as well so while it may have done more to do than other changes made I can assuredly say with 100% confidence anything we produce will never cause any harm. In a nutshell I’d recommend not ruling out a balanced regimen that includes both thc and cbd plus all the other myriad of beneficials.
I am not clear on whether there are other specially bred strains such as this one I'm mentioning, or what the current state of the art would be, but Charlotte's Web was a cbd strain specially bred and cross-bred with hemp to increase cbd and reduce thc as it was being developed for a little girl with a seizure condition (named Charlotte obv.) .
I am not clear on whether there are other specially bred strains such as this one I'm mentioning, or what the current state of the art would be, but Charlotte's Web was a cbd strain specially bred and cross-bred with hemp to increase cbd and reduce thc as it was being developed for a little girl with a seizure condition (named Charlotte obv.) .
I'm aware of Charlotte's Web (formerly Hippies Disappointment), if there are no other suggestions I'll try and find a good version of it.
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