LOL - What am i growing?


New Member
I found some tiny sprouts growing in the soil of my mj plant so i thought id start veggin em for the next grow.
They looked exactly same as when i sprouted real mj seeds but now i dont know what iv been veggin..
Its been 4 weeks.. There are No typical mj fan leaves nor do they look like they will transform into that shape, there is No typical mj hint of smell, the main and side stems looks and acts exactly like a mj plant tho and the structure of 2 new stem growth/nodes at each side of a stem. Plus it is taking all the same grow conditions as mj and doing well.

I wouldnt be asking but i remember seeing some mj plants on utube that didnt have the typical mj leaf shape so i am confused.

Obviously Appologies for no pics (for some reason i cant upload even after following the sites instructions) but if you click this link its the closest thing i found similar to what i mean, mine have jagged edges tho...

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