Little help on purple-brown calyx


Well-Known Member
So this Crystal Meth Auto has alot of purple / brown in the preflowers and not sure if I should be worried. I have one other growing and it has some but not nearly like this one. It's as though the little sacs that the first hairs popped out of all turned purple or brown I can't tell. Temps are around 75f to 80f, pH is 6.3-6.5. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.

By the pictures on the internet of that strain, the color is natural to that strain of cannabis.

Don't stress about it too much. One plant will differ some from another just based on genetic differences. Think about brothers and sisters having different hair or eye color.

They look good, and your pictures are GREAT!!!! :thumb:

They look to have a little nutrient imbalance, but I would watch, and see if it fixes itself, or gets worse. I'm thinking an immobile nutrient. I don't know what your growing medium is though, so hard to give much insight.
Thank you both for the quick response. I did research the strain a bit but since this is only my third grow I'm not very experienced and just figured that purpling color would happen closer to full flower. I'm growing one in FFOF and one in CoCo Loco just so I can see the difference between the two. I'm in week 4 and using about 1/4 FF nutes with calmag.
Thank you both for the quick response. I did research the strain a bit but since this is only my third grow I'm not very experienced and just figured that purpling color would happen closer to full flower. I'm growing one in FFOF and one in CoCo Loco just so I can see the difference between the two. I'm in week 4 and using about 1/4 FF nutes with calmag.
Let me guess, the calmag one has the flower with the yellow center??
Let me guess, the calmag one has the flower with the yellow center??
Let me guess, the calmag one has the flower with the yellow center??
I'm sorry I should have been more clear. They are both getting Calmag. They are both being fed exactly the same to this point.

This is the one in FFOF with the close ups posted above.
This one is in FF CoCo Loco
I'm sorry I should have been more clear. They are both getting Calmag. They are both being fed exactly the same to this point.

This is the one in FFOF with the close ups posted above.
This one is in FF CoCo Loco
That is an interesting comparison.

Sorry that I didn't understand the feeding regiment.

They look almost identical except for the darkening of the flower.

One is just taking the color change faster than the other.

With that comparison, I think it is just the difference in the seeds. One has more of the "purple" trait than the other.

This is only my opinion though.

I don't really think it's a problem, but more of one is going to be more colorful than the other.
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