Listen To Voters, Not Cops, On Pot Laws

According to the latest statements by Columbia Police Chief Ken Burton, SWAT and narcotics investigators were acting on an eight-day-old warrant when they raided the home of Jonathan Whitworth, shooting his pets and likely traumatizing his 7-year-old son ("Chief details SWAT incident," May 6 Tribune).

Yet when previously asked why SWAT performed the raid at a time when Whitworth's wife and son were in the house, a police spokeswoman responded that the nighttime raid was necessary because "if you let too much time go by, then the drugs are not there" ("Family questions SWAT drug search that led to dog's death," Feb. 23 Tribune). Were the police spinning the truth then, or are they spinning the truth now?

Further, according to a May 6 report, "Whitworth pleaded guilty on April 20 to a misdemeanor charge of unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and was fined $300." In 2004, 60 percent of Columbia voters approved The Missouri Smart Sentencing Initiative (Proposition 2), which amends the city criminal code to de-penalize the possession of marijuana and associated paraphernalia to a fine-only offense. In short, Whitmore's life and family were turned upside down over an activity that a majority of Columbia residents have deemed to be a minor offense punishable by a small fine.

When it comes to marijuana policy, perhaps it is time to stop listening to the cops and start listening to the voters who pay their salaries.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: The Columbia Daily Tribune
Author: Paul Armentano
Copyright: 2010 The Columbia Daily Tribune
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