Lil' Girls - Various Strain Continuous Grow Journal


New Member
High fellow 420er's!

I've been uplaoding some of my grow pictures and finally decided to throw them into a journal. Why not? there on the site already, right? I'm currently into week 5 bloom on three of my girls, so I'll post older photos to get you guys and gals up to speed, but first the Downlow...

Current strains are:
White Rhino, Cinderella 99, Papaya. I recently got a bunch of various seed, and am known to get clones from a trusted dispensary, so my strain menu changes.

Various - The only Phenotype in my White Rhino is VERY sativa dominant, smells Musky/fruity. Cindy99 seems much more indica dominant, smells of coffee & Pineapple. Papaya are WAY too young to smell at all.

Currently in my veg area is: Cindy99 mom, White Rhino mom, 1 cindy99 plant about 10" tall, 4 Cindy99 cuttings just hardening off, 2 Papaya seedlings, cilantro and Habanero for company.

Currently in my bloom area is: 2 x White Rhino girls just past 5weeks, 1 x Cindy99 girl just past 5weeks, 1 x Cindy99 girl just past 3weeks.

My Veg area is 2'Lx2'Wx3'H with a 100w HPS light.

My Bloom area is 2'Lx2'Wx5'H with a 250w HPS light with a 270w bulb.

This is my temporary 'Personals' set-up until I get done building my Growbox.

My garden:
is currently Passive Hydroponic style using Coco Coir in 5 3/4" square pots, and 6" round pots in bloom. I hand water every day in bloom or when needed in veg.

Ok, here we go!! Under my sink is...Drumroll please....
...House and Garden AquaFlakes Grow A & B
Ionic Bloom
Cal-mag Plus
Thrive Alive B1 Red
Awsome Blossoms
Metanaturals Nitrogen 16-0-0
GH Humic Acid
Earth Juice Microblast
Dark Energy
Sweet Citrus
Greenplanet Liquid W-8
Greenplanet Massive
Plant Success Mycorhizal
Pro pH Down

.....Phew. I don't use all of these all the time, but rather use what I need and keep others on hand just incase.

Mom & full Veg (per Gal):
6ml Aquaflakes A&B
1ml Metanaturals
1.25ml ThrivealiveR
1.5ml Supernova
1.5ml Calmag
.5ml DarkEnergy
1tbs Humic
2 drop Superthrive

I find that a weaker dosage is essential in the low light condition and helps from too fast of growth.

Bloom 3D (for the 5 week'rs) (per Gal):
16ml Ionic Bloom
1.5ml Calmag
3 drop Superthrive
17ml Massive
4.5ml W-8
1.5ml ThriveAliveR
2ml Supernova
1ml DarkEnergy
18ml Sweet
1.75ml AwsomeBlossom
3tsp Humic

I mix by the gallon and have different strengths for different stages of bloom.

I use Liquid pH tester to keep my pH between 5.8ish & 6.0ish. My Oakton pH tester went missing since I moved, so I'm going old skool till' I decide to get off my bottom and replace it.

I dont use TDS or EC testers anymore. I just don't trust them and have long since learned to read my plants. I suppose that if I ever switch to a new base nutrient line I might borrow one every once in a while just to see what optimum EC & TDS is for my girls at that time, but until then Its pretty useless considering what I use. I'm sure If I were to check the TDS of my bloom mix today it would read over 5000, but most of that number is non-plantfood additives.

Both the Bloom and Veg area are vented independantly, each with 1 x 4" Inline Duct fans. (about 150-160cfm initially I believe) but considering ducting I'm probably losing about 20CFM. no biggy.

Veg area Temps are 68-75 Degrees. (It's the lower section)
Bloom area Temps are 70-88 Degrees. (It hits higher peaks when it's really hot out, but I switch to nights to try to minimize heat spikes.)

Pests: Not for long. I check my girls DAILY. I got spidermites on a young transplant a couple weeks ago, mixed 50/50 Isoprobal Alcohol/water, sprayed twice a day for three days. I'm pretty sure I got them the first spray, but you know how that can go if you dont follow up. ;)

Beneficials: Mycorhizal, Beneficial bacteria (like Subtilius), and My microguest Springtales who I'm learning to culture and now introduce into the meduim of all my new transplants.

Ok, I'm sure I missed something, but that should do for now. Let me know if I missed anything important!!

------NEXT UP-----AREA PHOTOS------PAST PHOTOS--------
Ok, Had some connectivity problems but I finally got them up.

This is Bloom area 2'x2'x5'H

This is the Veg area. 2'x2'x3'H The top vent shown is the bottom vent of the bloom area.
The Veg area back left is mama Cindy99, back right is Mama WR, Front left is Cindy99 Teen, Front right is 2 x Papaya seedlings, habanero (I dunno if you can see that one) and 4 cuttings that just came out of the dome today.

Almost all of my other photos are of the Blooming plants. They're just more interesting.

-------NEXT UP---------OLD EARLY BLOOM PHOTOS--------------
Ok, just got back to the homestead. Now I'll start with the early pictures of the plants now in bloom. I'm still working out some of the bugs in the bloom room. Trying to find out just how high I can go with the plants before getting heat stressed. I started with smaller plants because I'd rather grow smaller than start large. this way I can harvest and not have burned nugs. Like I say, slow and steady.

Cindy99 the day I put her into bloom. I use plant domination to tie them down before I bloom because every inch counts, and it has the same effect as supercropping on the buds and branch thickness.

These are 2 White Rhinos the day I put them into bloom. One was dominated, the smaller one was not.

This is the bloom area with its first 3 inhabitants. Cindy99 on the left, White Rhinos on the right.

Here is a little Porn from the other day!!! Just a teaser!! Just a Taste!

I'll add more photos tonight or tomorrow!!! This is just getting started!! WOOHOO!
some more Porn to kill the time.... Enjoy. I know I will.

5weeks into bloom Cindy99/1

3weeks into bloom (NO SHIT!) Cindy99/2

Yah jason grow it up my brother i like the mini scrog thats ill and were did you get your hands on some good C-99? thats on my to grow list and i can't find anyone that actually has the real strain and as anyone can see those crystals scream grate C-99 pheno nice job dude i'm signed on
thanx for the reply. Yea she's a real nutrient horder. lol I Got my cindy genetics from a friend who got seeds from origonal brothers grimm stock, but lost his plants to spidermite invasion. It's cool though, I give cuttings away to close friends when I am overpopulated, and just gave him back 30+ from my mamaC. I have to cut back my mamas weekly to keep them in line in my tight area, so I spread the wealth. I'm Planning to keep it around for a while, but also breed it with Papaya if I get a male. (Fingers crossed) Papaya should increase the yield, and back crossing to the cindy should retain most of the Cindy Funk after a couple generations. Thats another journal tho....or is it??? No, really, that was the sole purpose of ordering the Papaya. I also got NL #1 (or so they say...we'll see.) ATA Tundra, Purple Bud, Sweet Purple, Querkle,, well a few crosses a friend did of my origonal Mikado x Mighty Mite a few years back.

It sucks that my space is so small now, or I'd have them all. Damnit!!! lol I just keep reminding myself..."Patience Young Grasshopper"
Damn dude thats freakin amazing if you ever feel like trading a cindy clone for one of mine let me know i had a bigfoot seed i was tryin to germ but it was to premature(dammit!) the brothers grimm are my favorite breeders(besides butch of course haha) white russian, ice princess, and matanuska thunder are also all on my list but looks like it's about to be really hard to get em i hear the bros are goin out of the commercial breeding business
I love the Bros' grimm, too bad they are gone as far as I know. They were a couple of the more competant breeders out there. I still like Sagarmatha, nirvana, and Greenhouse though. I just got a couple from Seedsman, but am skeptical. We'll see. I really wanted to find an original 'Killer Queen' seed but they all seem diluted to me. not true to what they were, ya know? There are alot of strains out there now that are no were near what they were. NL is the perfect example.
stupid people passing as breeders trying to pass their crosses as the real thing. MAKE JASON ANGRY!!!!!! GRRRR! TURNING GREEN! MORE GREEN THAN USUAL!! AAARRG!!

.....deep breaths.........Goozfraba!!! Goozfraba!!! Goozfraba.:thedoubletake::thedoubletake::loopy::loopy::loopy:

:roorrip:Ok, I'm better now.
Here are some 2 week Bloom in photos!!!!

These are 2 weeks into bloom exept the one short Cindy99 in front is day 1 bloom.

White Rhino almost a month into bloom. I got drunk and decided that they needed a spray but didn't keep the light off for long enough. I'll be regretting this for the rest of the way thru. As the leaves grow bigger so do the dead spots. I refrained from freaking out, and just kept to my nutrient regimin. The buds are still doing fine, but the leaves still look like shit. now more than ever. You'll see.

More almost a month...

Ok, I'm getting bored with this old porn. I'll get to the current pics soon!!! let me know what you think!!
haha yah dude i hear yah and i figured that they were out of the game and had been for a while when i found out bout em a couple years back i wasn't a meddy patient and therefore didn't grow so had no intrest in buying seeds but getting a bag of some true grimm selection was a high priority and now i can't find anyone with real genetics bunch o scam artists at most dispensaries(this is my gooz fraba issue!) i had to search high and low to get my strains that i have and it shouldn't have to be that way or maybe it should cuz then only the real connoisseurs get what they deserve a dank strain nobody else has enough rambling though man i'm gonna hit hay have a good night my friend
Next up are photo's from a couple days ago.

Cindy99 3 weeks into bloom

Cindy99/1 5weeks, 2 days bloom

Bloom garden pic 5 weeks

Cindy99 3 weeks
Thnx for stopping by guys! Hopefully if everything keeps going the way it has I'll be a happier man in a few weeks, when I 'hopefully' harvest the back cindy99, the smaller of the two. The one in the front whould be done around 2 weeks later, the same time I'm looking to harvest the two Rhinos. The only thing that sucks is that I fried the leaves of the Rhino by spraying. I turned the light back on thinking 15min would be good enough to let them absorb the spray. Cindys did, WR didn't. Burned the shit out of those girls leaves, but the buds are still going strong regardless.

Hi Orangeblood. Glad you made it! Dark Energy is a product I tried back in 2003 after talking to the American Hydroponics rep (you know how those salesmen turn dust into diamonds) and was skeptical at first, but it did infact cut a little time off bloom, and seems to help increase potency and plant health, So I've been using it ever since. It is mostly L-Amino acids and vitamins I believe, and has higher concentrations and a wider variety than most other amino acid products I've come across. Full strength is 1-2mls per gallon. I also noticed that it works even better when in conjunction with Fulvic acids. It seems to almost force feed your plants. the downside is that it smells of composted BrusselSprouts. You get used to it after a while. It's also expensive. $32 a Pint, but with the ratios that you use it actually goes a long way and has a good long shelf life. The bottle also says that you can use it as a foliar spray, but the rep said that it works much better watered in, so i've never tried it. Besides, after my last adventure in foliar spraying I'm probably avoiding the spraybottle for the time being. lol

Hope that helps!

I'm gonna put up some new pictures at 5 1/2 weeks tomorrow if I get the time!! I hope you guys stick around, have a smoke and relax!! It's supposed to be a nice day tomorrow, I might try to get out and catch me a spring trout up in clearcreek.

Thanks for the info J! +reps
Time for me to go shopping! I'm curious to see what the effects will be on a plant that is also fed Liquid Light+Penetrator. Full throttle aminos thru the roots and full throttle aminos thru the leaves and young buds could produce some goopy sticky ganja! Then top it all off with some LED for enhanced lighting spectrum for even more increased trich production!... I'm starting to drool!

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