Like Emenem - look who's back, look who's back, look who's back


Well-Known Member
Been idk how many years since been here. Don't smoke, Growing Legal in New York so going to get back into it and see how much I remember as it has been years. My brothers smoke and so do some of my friends, so they will be the lucky recipients of what I grow.

I will be growing a strain my brother had that i saved with a cutting kind of in his memory (Passed from covid). It is a cross between Sannie's sugar punch and Sannie's Madberry that he has grown since 2016. It has never nannered and produces some good smoke I'm told. I also found his seed collection - all Sannie's stuff - Mad Scientist, Madberry, Sugar Punch, Sannies Jack, Mad Kush, Heribei x Jackberry, killer queen x blue hammer. My neighbor als gave me some autoflower seed from Urban Legends - Green Light that I may try outside on the deck next year idk never messed with autoflowers. Wasn't worth it back in the day as there was not much yield - but am told things have changed - we'll see

Thankfully the cutting I took from my brothers almost dead plant - survived. I vegged it for some months and took a bunch of cuttings from it and gave the mother to my neighbor who planted it outside and its growing good (about 5' and bushy). This is where I learned how much I forgot. I usually put my cuttings in a coffee cup of water with not direct light but I forgot to trim the leaves of the cuttings and only had about a 50% success rate compared to about 90%+ when I taught my brother how to grow. I not only did that once...but twice...geez. Now that I had some clones rooted I started the veg process and just got them into flower a few weeks ago in the gorilla tent he used, They are under 1200w of hps lighting. Unfortunately, I forgot how much they grow in size during flowering and will have to put the next set in when they are much smaller. I started these at about 2'+ and they are at about 6 feet and spindly...ugh. Why...because i used a 400w hps light (bare) from the getgo on the clones forgetting about spindly they could get reaching for the light. I couldn't keep them close to the light due to heat before I remembered i used to use a 250w cfl's once they spit out there 2 leaves before I swtiched over to the 400w MH after they have grown a bit. I've grown in soil and didn't like it - had a hard time with ph and nutrients and watering and bugs - I'm no farmer and self taught and back when I started I just wanted some free Since then I have used the hempy bucket method and have never had a problem. I use 2.5 gal hempy buckets with a 3-1 perlite to vermiculte mixture and gh 3 part formula. My well water comes in around 125ppm and I usually never exceed 600ppm for feeding (including well ppm's). I PH between 5.7 and 6.2. I'm sure I will re-learn as I venture forward. Happy growing!

The one thing I learned from my first grow (prob have 30-40 under my belt) - was if you want quality you have to spend the money and do it the right way as far as your equipment goes (indoor). Darkness for flowering, gorilla tents or HD quality tent where zippers don't break or seams fail, Good Lighting, PH and PPM meters and test solutions, exhaust fans, clean environment, etc. I learned if you cheat - you cheat yourself. Spend the money (cry once) and you'll be happy you did as you see the bud quality and quantity rise.

a sample from years ago

Been idk how many years since been here. Don't smoke, Growing Legal in New York so going to get back into it and see how much I remember as it has been years. My brothers smoke and so do some of my friends, so they will be the lucky recipients of what I grow.

I will be growing a strain my brother had that i saved with a cutting kind of in his memory (Passed from covid). It is a cross between Sannie's sugar punch and Sannie's Madberry that he has grown since 2016. It has never nannered and produces some good smoke I'm told. I also found his seed collection - all Sannie's stuff - Mad Scientist, Madberry, Sugar Punch, Sannies Jack, Mad Kush, Heribei x Jackberry, killer queen x blue hammer. My neighbor als gave me some autoflower seed from Urban Legends - Green Light that I may try outside on the deck next year idk never messed with autoflowers. Wasn't worth it back in the day as there was not much yield - but am told things have changed - we'll see

Thankfully the cutting I took from my brothers almost dead plant - survived. I vegged it for some months and took a bunch of cuttings from it and gave the mother to my neighbor who planted it outside and its growing good (about 5' and bushy). This is where I learned how much I forgot. I usually put my cuttings in a coffee cup of water with not direct light but I forgot to trim the leaves of the cuttings and only had about a 50% success rate compared to about 90%+ when I taught my brother how to grow. I not only did that once...but twice...geez. Now that I had some clones rooted I started the veg process and just got them into flower a few weeks ago in the gorilla tent he used, They are under 1200w of hps lighting. Unfortunately, I forgot how much they grow in size during flowering and will have to put the next set in when they are much smaller. I started these at about 2'+ and they are at about 6 feet and spindly...ugh. Why...because i used a 400w hps light (bare) from the getgo on the clones forgetting about spindly they could get reaching for the light. I couldn't keep them close to the light due to heat before I remembered i used to use a 250w cfl's once they spit out there 2 leaves before I swtiched over to the 400w MH after they have grown a bit. I've grown in soil and didn't like it - had a hard time with ph and nutrients and watering and bugs - I'm no farmer and self taught and back when I started I just wanted some free Since then I have used the hempy bucket method and have never had a problem. I use 2.5 gal hempy buckets with a 3-1 perlite to vermiculte mixture and gh 3 part formula. My well water comes in around 125ppm and I usually never exceed 600ppm for feeding (including well ppm's). I PH between 5.7 and 6.2. I'm sure I will re-learn as I venture forward. Happy growing!

The one thing I learned from my first grow (prob have 30-40 under my belt) - was if you want quality you have to spend the money and do it the right way as far as your equipment goes (indoor). Darkness for flowering, gorilla tents or HD quality tent where zippers don't break or seams fail, Good Lighting, PH and PPM meters and test solutions, exhaust fans, clean environment, etc. I learned if you cheat - you cheat yourself. Spend the money (cry once) and you'll be happy you did as you see the bud quality and quantity rise.

a sample from years ago

:welcome:Back. Nice bud there. Yum. :)

Don't forget to start a grow journal, in case you've forgotten how, here's the nitty gritty on it:

Been idk how many years since been here. Don't smoke, Growing Legal in New York so going to get back into it and see how much I remember as it has been years. My brothers smoke and so do some of my friends, so they will be the lucky recipients of what I grow.

I will be growing a strain my brother had that i saved with a cutting kind of in his memory (Passed from covid). It is a cross between Sannie's sugar punch and Sannie's Madberry that he has grown since 2016. It has never nannered and produces some good smoke I'm told. I also found his seed collection - all Sannie's stuff - Mad Scientist, Madberry, Sugar Punch, Sannies Jack, Mad Kush, Heribei x Jackberry, killer queen x blue hammer. My neighbor als gave me some autoflower seed from Urban Legends - Green Light that I may try outside on the deck next year idk never messed with autoflowers. Wasn't worth it back in the day as there was not much yield - but am told things have changed - we'll see

Thankfully the cutting I took from my brothers almost dead plant - survived. I vegged it for some months and took a bunch of cuttings from it and gave the mother to my neighbor who planted it outside and its growing good (about 5' and bushy). This is where I learned how much I forgot. I usually put my cuttings in a coffee cup of water with not direct light but I forgot to trim the leaves of the cuttings and only had about a 50% success rate compared to about 90%+ when I taught my brother how to grow. I not only did that once...but twice...geez. Now that I had some clones rooted I started the veg process and just got them into flower a few weeks ago in the gorilla tent he used, They are under 1200w of hps lighting. Unfortunately, I forgot how much they grow in size during flowering and will have to put the next set in when they are much smaller. I started these at about 2'+ and they are at about 6 feet and spindly...ugh. Why...because i used a 400w hps light (bare) from the getgo on the clones forgetting about spindly they could get reaching for the light. I couldn't keep them close to the light due to heat before I remembered i used to use a 250w cfl's once they spit out there 2 leaves before I swtiched over to the 400w MH after they have grown a bit. I've grown in soil and didn't like it - had a hard time with ph and nutrients and watering and bugs - I'm no farmer and self taught and back when I started I just wanted some free Since then I have used the hempy bucket method and have never had a problem. I use 2.5 gal hempy buckets with a 3-1 perlite to vermiculte mixture and gh 3 part formula. My well water comes in around 125ppm and I usually never exceed 600ppm for feeding (including well ppm's). I PH between 5.7 and 6.2. I'm sure I will re-learn as I venture forward. Happy growing!

The one thing I learned from my first grow (prob have 30-40 under my belt) - was if you want quality you have to spend the money and do it the right way as far as your equipment goes (indoor). Darkness for flowering, gorilla tents or HD quality tent where zippers don't break or seams fail, Good Lighting, PH and PPM meters and test solutions, exhaust fans, clean environment, etc. I learned if you cheat - you cheat yourself. Spend the money (cry once) and you'll be happy you did as you see the bud quality and quantity rise.

a sample from years ago

Good to see you my friend :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
:welcome:Back. Nice bud there. Yum. :)

Don't forget to start a grow journal, in case you've forgotten how, here's the nitty gritty on it:

I probably will once I'm sure of myself I forgot alot of comes back when i see the
Welcome back to 420 Magazine @BigBudsBunny

It won't take you long to get back into the groove.
Are you still using HPS or have your progressed to LED?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Just found

this is how sad my brothers plant was when I decided to cut the last piece of green (cutting) off of it and try to revive it. the pic is a couple days after taking the cutting to try and revive it. After letting it sit in a coffee cup of water under a frosted piece of glass it Amazingly grew roots. Once roots hit about an inch - transplanted into the hempy solo cup on 1/27/24. My brother passed 2/211/22! All I did was water that thing until I took the last cutting on 1/19/24. I'm amazed it lasted that long - but ate itself to death in the process. So happy I made the decision to continue his journey and honor his memory buy letting it live on. From that cutting, grew a mother (pic in this thread), took more cuttings from the mother (3 weeks into flowering now) and have another set of clones vegging from it that will go into flower tent in 2-3 weeks (so they aren't so damn tall). It's fun re-learning it all over again...Thanks Bro.

just goes to show ya, when your down and out like that plant - don't give up - it ain't over till its over.



My Lanky girls 1st set flowering (in years) - not sure how long ago I put it in - I used to count days/weeks but learned it's done when it's done (about a 10 weaker).

Going to be some fat colas up in there! 👌
Been idk how many years since been here. Don't smoke, Growing Legal in New York so going to get back into it and see how much I remember as it has been years. My brothers smoke and so do some of my friends, so they will be the lucky recipients of what I grow.

I will be growing a strain my brother had that i saved with a cutting kind of in his memory (Passed from covid). It is a cross between Sannie's sugar punch and Sannie's Madberry that he has grown since 2016. It has never nannered and produces some good smoke I'm told. I also found his seed collection - all Sannie's stuff - Mad Scientist, Madberry, Sugar Punch, Sannies Jack, Mad Kush, Heribei x Jackberry, killer queen x blue hammer. My neighbor als gave me some autoflower seed from Urban Legends - Green Light that I may try outside on the deck next year idk never messed with autoflowers. Wasn't worth it back in the day as there was not much yield - but am told things have changed - we'll see

Thankfully the cutting I took from my brothers almost dead plant - survived. I vegged it for some months and took a bunch of cuttings from it and gave the mother to my neighbor who planted it outside and its growing good (about 5' and bushy). This is where I learned how much I forgot. I usually put my cuttings in a coffee cup of water with not direct light but I forgot to trim the leaves of the cuttings and only had about a 50% success rate compared to about 90%+ when I taught my brother how to grow. I not only did that once...but twice...geez. Now that I had some clones rooted I started the veg process and just got them into flower a few weeks ago in the gorilla tent he used, They are under 1200w of hps lighting. Unfortunately, I forgot how much they grow in size during flowering and will have to put the next set in when they are much smaller. I started these at about 2'+ and they are at about 6 feet and spindly...ugh. Why...because i used a 400w hps light (bare) from the getgo on the clones forgetting about spindly they could get reaching for the light. I couldn't keep them close to the light due to heat before I remembered i used to use a 250w cfl's once they spit out there 2 leaves before I swtiched over to the 400w MH after they have grown a bit. I've grown in soil and didn't like it - had a hard time with ph and nutrients and watering and bugs - I'm no farmer and self taught and back when I started I just wanted some free Since then I have used the hempy bucket method and have never had a problem. I use 2.5 gal hempy buckets with a 3-1 perlite to vermiculte mixture and gh 3 part formula. My well water comes in around 125ppm and I usually never exceed 600ppm for feeding (including well ppm's). I PH between 5.7 and 6.2. I'm sure I will re-learn as I venture forward. Happy growing!

The one thing I learned from my first grow (prob have 30-40 under my belt) - was if you want quality you have to spend the money and do it the right way as far as your equipment goes (indoor). Darkness for flowering, gorilla tents or HD quality tent where zippers don't break or seams fail, Good Lighting, PH and PPM meters and test solutions, exhaust fans, clean environment, etc. I learned if you cheat - you cheat yourself. Spend the money (cry once) and you'll be happy you did as you see the bud quality and quantity rise.

a sample from years ago

Welcome back friend
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