Lights got left on for 2 days during week 6 of flower


Well-Known Member
So basically. Long story short, the light was on for 2 full days instead of 12 and 12. They were into week 6 of flower. Anybody ever mess up like this before? Afraid they may herm on me now. :(


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I've left the door open for extend period of time on more than one occasion...and got herms! You're pretty far in you might be ok, watch for nut sacks at the inside bottom of the buds (you might have to fold them out a bit to see) and nip off anything suspicious with your fingertips with the fans off. I'd say you might get a few beans but I doubt many at this point. CHeers mate, gl! :yahoo:
I've done something similar. I added a light and forgot to connect it to the timer. You're right. It's not good. Best case it's probably set you back a week or two. Put them back on schedule and tell yourself it never happened. Odds are in your favour. Herms are not the end of the world.
I've left the door open for extend period of time on more than one occasion...and got herms! You're pretty far in you might be ok, watch for nut sacks at the inside bottom of the buds (you might have to fold them out a bit to see) and nip off anything suspicious with your fingertips with the fans off. I'd say you might get a few beans but I doubt many at this point. CHeers mate, gl! :yahoo:
I will deff have a good look for balls this evening at lights on. Thanks for the advice.
So basically. Long story short, the light was on for 2 full days instead of 12 and 12. They were into week 6 of flower. Anybody ever mess up like this before? Afraid they may herm on me now. :(
Hermie weed is still good weed. Why do so many care about that? Doesnt affect taste, smell or medicinal properties. I think the whole hermie thing is en vogue. Doesnt mean anything
DakiniKush I agree, however I think really seedy weed can get pretty annoying to the average smoker, and if our plants are putting energy to growing seeds they're growing less smokable flower. In this case I doubt it will even be noticeable if there are any seeds at all.
ThaQThats true.
DakiniKush I agree, however I think really seedy weed can get pretty annoying to the average smoker, and if our plants are putting energy to growing seeds they're growing less smokable flower. In this case I doubt it will even be noticeable if there are any seeds at all.
True. I just look at it like I'm back in the 90s lol picking seeds constantly. In the past few days I've read on here ppl throwing out hermie harvest!!!!!! That's crazy. I think some ppl truly believe the weed wont be good smoke. That's insane! Where I am growing theres a building about 30 yards away from my house n at night their outside light comes on and it's just enough to give me seeds in all my grows Autos and photos
UOTE="Pbass, post: 5019390, member: 329940"]
DakiniKush I agree, however I think really seedy weed can get pretty annoying to the average smoker, and if our plants are putting energy to growing seeds they're growing less smokable flower. In this case I doubt it will even be noticeable if there are any seeds at all.
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