Lightening of Leaves


New Member
I put my plant into flower 11 days ago, it was nice and healthy green. Now all the leaves have lightened up in color. I thought it was nitrogen deficiency so I added some extra fertilizer. Then went heavier on the nitrogen on the next feeding but there had been no change even in the new growth.
It's been hotter than normal and my grow area is between 86 and 100℉. The plant looks and smells fine it's just lightened up in color. The strain is mostly sativa so I'm wondering if the heat is causing the lighter coloration or is it normal for some strains to lighten up?
If it gets worse again I will share pictures. So far the too has gotten greener since I added some extra fertilizer last week. I keep my water around 5.8 and let it raise naturally. So far it is mainly the lower leaves, maybe a couple random ones. But overall she looks a lot better! Thank you both for your suggestions!
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