Light leakage from lights' LED displays?


Active Member
I'm about to flip into flower, and was searching for possible light leakage in the room. My Viparspectra LED lights each emit a small blue light on the display panel when they're switched off. Would I need to cover this up? It would seem like they would've thought of this and allowed for that little light invisible to the plants. I was gonna tape it up but I figured I'd ask if I need to first.
I'm about to flip into flower, and was searching for possible light leakage in the room. My Viparspectra LED lights each emit a small blue light on the display panel when they're switched off. Would I need to cover this up? It would seem like they would've thought of this and allowed for that little light invisible to the plants. I was gonna tape it up but I figured I'd ask if I need to first.
Don't think you'd need to.. that'd just be the lights powering down.. after 18 hours .. plus, that glass panel will get hot after and it may melt the tape.
My viperspectra didn't have an led on it

But power strip light should be taped, if it's that bright, but also check if it's green, green is an ok spectrum, I believe, to not effect the plants
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