Light cycle q?


New Member
Hey are my 4 buddha blue cheese baby's 2 weeks old


They are on 24 hours of light under a 150w CFL...but when should I switch them to 18/6 or 20/4?
First off theres no switching to veg mayorgreenbud, as the plants are already in veg under the 24/0 light cycle. If your going to keep them in 24/0 for the rest of their veg cycle thats fine. As when to flower is the question. Your dont use 18/6 or 20/4 for flowering, and if you did then you would just have one big plant with no buds. To flower your plants you need to put them on a 12/12 light schedual. I usualy flower my plants after they have atleast 4 nodes. So far your plants are looking good for growing under 1 CFL. If your not using any nutes I would suggest you start using some.
Yeah I know you dont use 18/6 or 20/4 for floweing but I heard you get a more bushier plant with 20 hours of light...also I dont have any vegging nutes...I have some Canna Boost Accelerator...Im really not sure at how many weeks I should give these nutes to the plant so any advice would be brill
You can use fish emulsion for veg, it is cheap and easy to find. It depends how big you want them as to when you change the light schedule..They will double to triple in size..:peace:
what exactly is fish emulsion?...also how many weeks before I pot up?

Dunno what fish emulsion is but can you buy it in England lol? (does it have a different name)
Fish emulsion is a cheap nute that contains mostly Nitrogen, and is used during the veg stage. Your plant look old enough to start feeding them some nutrients. Always start out 1/4 stregnth every other watering and work your way up in dose as needed. You should be able to go to any Wal-mart and get it. Or any store with a garden center.
Theres several different brands of fish emulsion. However the first thing you will see on the bottle is the big words that say "Fish Emulsion". I dont have a favorite brand...its all fairly priced and it works fine.
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