Hola mi amigos!!! I'm brand new here and i need your help. My scenario is that i have a few selected strains that i keep in the closet over the winter so as to put clones out in a greenhouse in the spring. My PROBLEM is that when i put them out they just go into flower. I tried to get the light cycle in the closet down to 15/9 so as to be closer to the natural cycle in late April when i put them out, but they act like i was just prepping them to flower. One question i have is: would it be better to start over with new strains and grow them on a 24/0 cycle? I had heard somewhere years ago that the 24/0 cycle actually holds the physiological age of the plant back while allowing the physical stucture to proceed. The intuition i'm getting is that since my clones are coming from plants that have already attained sexual maturity at one point in their lives-they're ready at the drop of a hat to "jump in the sack and procreate" (so to speak). And while i've always admired that quality in human females-it's really pissing me off with my plants!!! What i am shooting for is large plants in the greenhouse grown in natural light so it seems my plants would need to go out in mid/late April or early May while the days are increasing. Any help is mucho appreciated!