Light Addict: LA's Perpetual Garden

I've 1 pot with 2 gals. These are leaping ahead of the others. So got topped today ready for an adaptive style of Fluxing. (To be made up by myself as they go lol)
The other 2 are plodding along. Zero feed so far as my medium gives a good start.
1 of my fans (outtake) started making some noise so switched it out for 1 off one of my old self build LED projects from the days of the Deathstar.
Have a few pics 😁

Looking great, LA! :bravo:

How are you going to handle the pot with two plants? Are you going to flux them both or treat each as one end of a flux, or something else? Seems like having two fluxes in one pot might get a little unwieldy.
Looking great, LA! :bravo:

How are you going to handle the pot with two plants? Are you going to flux them both or treat each as one end of a flux, or something else? Seems like having two fluxes in one pot might get a little unwieldy.
Will be going for a double spiral flux type deal I reckon. Very compact but as I take every other node off along a flux, it should be just about manageable. Although as said in previous post it will be adaptive. I'll see how the plants progress and tailor training to their forms Vs space limitations.
As was said before, you asked! This one’s fun - homemade bamboo scrog integrated to the pot itself so I can rotate my scrog and access it all (I’m a wheelchair grower, scrogs are hard due to inability to access the back corners effectively.). This was my way around it.

As was said before, you asked! This one’s fun - homemade bamboo scrog integrated to the pot itself so I can rotate my scrog and access it all (I’m a wheelchair grower, scrogs are hard due to inability to access the back corners effectively.). This was my way around it.

I've been meaning to check out one of your journals, and that sounds like a creative way around an obstacle.
Also folks if you've an active journal, drop the links here please. I'll come follow you and ya garden back 😜
Sure, everyone is welcome!
Also folks if you've an active journal, drop the links here please. I'll come follow you and ya garden back 😜
Thanks. I'm reaching the end of my current and will start the next soon. Here is the link to my current, closing journal:

Just got in after a 14hr shift on the road and I'm shagged lol. So come here to unwind 😕
So I've topped all plants at 3rd node, removed all lower nodes. Topping so early whilst still so small is key to forming a perfect flat T for a flux. Once growth has developed some I'll train the 2 remaining flux arms down to just above soil level. I want a flat seamless junction. So I always top at the 3rd node whilst really small.

The 2 in 1 pot are really reeking already so I've some high hopes for something worth cloning. I'll obviously just let a node I'm going to remove grow out for that purpose.

We're chugging along now and in a week or so I'll switch from 24 lights on to 20/4 also start a gentle feed regime.
Have some pics

Alright homeboy, I'm game to follow along Bob Ross Style. I popped a bean 2 weeks behind your grow, that way I can monkey-see-monkey-do and Flux along with you. (Mimicry Is the highest form of flattery yeah? :ganjamon:)
I've wanted to try it ever since I saw your grows a couple years ago, so I'm hyped to follow your lead big dog!
I'm gonna start a journal to follow its progress, but I don't enter into the contests, so hopefully there's no weird feelings from the crowd about it being a copycat grow. :Namaste:
It's all love baby!
Alright homeboy, I'm game to follow along Bob Ross Style. I popped a bean 2 weeks behind your grow, that way I can monkey-see-monkey-do and Flux along with you. (Mimicry Is the highest form of flattery yeah? :ganjamon:)
I've wanted to try it ever since I saw your grows a couple years ago, so I'm hyped to follow your lead big dog!
I'm gonna start a journal to follow its progress, but I don't enter into the contests, so hopefully there's no weird feelings from the crowd about it being a copycat grow. :Namaste:
It's all love baby!
Glad to have you along 👍
You wouldn't have to worry about the copycat thing and the comps lol. Had many a fluxer enter their gals back in the day 😁
Looking good so far, I like it when people push the boundaries. Not much of a typist or journalist, but I did start a Blog :passitleft:
Looking good so far, I like it when people push the boundaries. Not much of a typist or journalist, but I did start a Blog :passitleft:
Small space growing is what made my name and got me my titles back in the day. Here is where my journey started.

This new spot is a little more snug, but that gives me more of a challenge. I like a challenge as normal growing, kind of bored me lol. Didn't really enjoy tent growing/big scale. I lose interest and this always showed in the end result.
Not sure why pics came out like that???
It's like their resolution has been stuffed up. Perhaps you can ask admin.

Some your past grow pics are amazing! I think many people will have not seen such massive cola bearing plants like that before. I hope you can get some of those shown because they're really too good not too, haha.
So, to explain my feeding loop for a flux.
Because of the structure of a flux it's quite unique.
I keep a total even canopy, apart from the 2 most outer/end limbs of each main flux arm.
I raise these just slightly above all other limbs.
These 2 sites, 1 each end. Are obviously the furthest away from the stem. All other limbs of a flux are closer to the stem and therefore take their nutrients/feed from the plants network before anything reaches those 2 end and higher set points.
As we know cannabis plants recognise the highest points. These become dominant. So I force the 2 end sites to become dominant. This in turn means they ask for the most nutrients. Yet they are as said the last to draw anything from the strict mapped out structure.
The theory being I drop feed levels slightly till I notice it's wanting higher levels of nutrients. Then I steadily build my feeding. The 2 dominant sites being last in the chain, constantly want more than they get. So drive the plants overall uptake.

Hope that makes sense, this is why I'll try to do a side by side this run.

Cheers and please add any thoughts etc
This is truly exciting. I've watched another grower attempt a flux and now I get to watch the inventor of the flux at work!
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